I can’t cope anymore

Clown world and brainwashed vaxxies are driving me insane , I can’t even afford to buy more drugs or a rope

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you're a pussy


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You're weak like Crimea.

Should I switch from downers to uppers?

You're in Canada, just walk out into the tundra and freeze to death.

I feel you bro...but our suffering will not be in vain...when it happens normies will feel what we are feeling right now tenfold...we pray for an Apocalypse every day...we have nothing to fear from the end of the world

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Post the edit

All in on out of the money call options on stocks pushing 2 year lows.

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youre a fag

I am planning on canoeing to to the bush and getting eaten by a black bear or a grizzly

>buy drugs
You should be pumping iron and training. Your mind and body need to be strong

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>Jumping to suicide
Kek, start working out and get a job. Read some literature and start frequenting the local library. I know the feel, but don’t wallow in self pity and be a loser lmao

Fuck it . If I die I die

>the absolute state of christcucks

You sound like an insufferable pussy. Not too late to change that, but you do you.

I feel lucky to have a good job and a family already that lends me the stability and focus to get through these trying times. My friend's 8th grader chose to go to a public school after they bought a new house, because he plays sports and they can't afford a large private school that provides those activities. I went to a decent public school and when I hear the stories of what goes on and the shit he has to go through, it makes me sick to my stomach. All the weird shit with social media, everyone having phones and cameras, the unchecked violence; I'm glad it wasn't like this when I was young. Being a teenager was strange enough, I can't imagine having to cope with all that in today's world.

You have my sympathy, but you have to push on, get through it, and I promise the sun will shine down upon you again.

When the war starts, and you decide you might want to live, make sure to situate yourself in the middle of the ranks if you can. The first few ranks unfortunately, will most likely be turned into ground beef.
Side question, can any battle tactics from the Napoleonic wars be applied to our situation today? Flanking an enemy to get beside/behind them/
Skirmishes with groups of two (One to fire and protect the other, while the other reloads or calls targets.)

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Anyone driving you to tell us who the fuck asked?

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What's the edit?

Based and redpilled