Give it to me straight. Can you redpill your wife or gf?

I used to just get mad at our differing opinions but now I've learned how to stay calm and relaxed during disagreements. But how do I actually get her to understand our based and redpilled world view? She's a rabid liberal left winger but I love her and want to be with her. Any advice?

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You can't rationalize with women. They don't think that way. Their emotional state supersedes reality.

Well they somehow made her into a left winger so why can't I somehow do the reverse? Not even full Nazi just even get her into the middle ground at least?

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I red pulled my mother about jews.

You can definitely redpill women but not by trying to, or by arguing with them. You just have to confidently assert what you believe and move on. Never debate, never try to argue. If she expresses disagreement you laugh it off. Basically the only way to persuade women is by becoming an object of their respect, at which point they will naturally gravitate towards your views.

Shes to thing for him. She isn't worthy to sit at the architects table.

Okay how can I remain calm when she's being completely insane? And how long before she starts following my lead if I do this?

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>Well they somehow made her into a left winger
This happens in the same way that kids are made into trannies: consensus exposure. Women and children are extremely susceptible to socialization, because they are both consistently emotionally compromised. Groups act on emotions, not on facts, and women think based on group consensus, so you see the dilemma. She wasn't "made into a left winger" in that way. She exists as an expression of her social environment, which in the modern age also includes things like social media, which amplifies social extremists. Hypothetically, if you were to get her away from all of the crap, cut her off from her previous social circles, and stop using the internet and television, then you might be able to de-condition her. But while you might talk to her an hour a day, modern life means she is being bombarded with propaganda 6+ hours a day, and you just can't compete with that.

You remain calm with women by not needing them. I know it sounds glib but it's ultimately as simple as that. Be willing to leave or kick them out. Beyond that, have no respect for their intellectual opinions, and hence no need to convince them of anything. A men should never be in an argument with a woman, especially about "issues"

my mum read mein kampf,
who knows

You remain calm and remain the leader of your relationship and house.

You don’t compromise your views because your views are based on fact and critically thinking.

If she asks why you explain why calmly, with no emotion. It’s like talking to a toddler user.

Then when she starts getting it and calling it out and saying “babe I can’t believe but this Jew did xyz at work. These people are kikes!” You just laugh, smile and give her a kiss. This is how you redpill. Remember you are the leader of the relationship. Spiritual and physical.

>Can you redpill your wife or gf?
Absolutely not. No matter how "based" they may seem.

I want to add though at the end of the day, they are social creatures and their idea of a man and what life should be will be HEAVILY influenced by her authoritative masculine figure in her life as a child.

Yes, you can. If she is submissive and respects your leadership, she will trust your guidance if you use truth and logic. My wife and I have only been married 6 months but I put a baby in her immediately and she’s gone from “I’m not really conservative or liberal” to “I’m sick of the sissy men at work”, “women voting was a mistake”, and “are the Jews going to collapse the crypto system soon, babe?”

She’ll be quitting her job in a few weeks to prepare for childbirth, and after that, she’ll be a full time homeschool mom. Communicate these expectations to her early, and it will set her on the right track.

if you dick them good enough you can convince a women the sky is purple.

otherwise you have to be extremely confident and appeal to emotion. bring up things shes never heard of so she can Google them and find ammo to argue with you or convince her more. that easy.

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the sky IS purple

I did. Mind you she already has a brain injury, but that makes her more honest and looks like a 16 year old. She's far more redpilled than me.

If you honestly believe women cannot be redpilled, then you are a weak man who does not know how to lead a woman, earn her trust and command her respect. Have her start reading the transformed wife and she’ll start hating feminism and serving her husband and raising her children.

>if you dick them good enough you can convince a women the sky is purple.
This. Took me too long to realize this. One time I hate fucked this woman I hated, and I felt bad because I almost felt like a drunk raped her but it turns out she wouldnt stop calling me and wanting to fuck again. I was kind of a piece of shit to her and there she was always following me, until I felt sorry for her and ended it.

>Can you redpill your wife or gf?
yes, but only if they are really stupid or really smart. if she has average intelligence then you are fucked.

Pierce isnt looking at her because she isn't fat enough

You can redpill her enough, my wife is noticeably more redpilled now than when I met her, she had no strong political convictions but leaned, make a guess... on lib-left, the quadrant of the politically uninterested easily convinced women and weak men. Her internet circle is made almost entirely of lib-left super retarded twitter takes but she makes me proud by scoffing at them, she stays for the girl/gay teenager humor though.

You need to frame your arguments around the emotional side, which is easy. They are fucking with kids and ruining the future. Women's brains are wired heavily between the halves but sparingly within them, males are the opposite (connectome maps if you wanna google). For you a logical argument is fine, for them it requires both to be taken in.

I often point the gaping holes in whatever political blue pilled thing going on. She is smart enough to link the dots and the effect is way stronger than you going on a diatribe about why that is basedpilled.

I let my wife quit her job when I got a high paying one, her only responsibility is just keeping the house in order and cooking for me. She recently came to me and asked if I had ever heard of the protocols of the elders of zion. Let your wife live as a nuclear wife and she will red pill herself

Yes of course you can. But you never reveal everything all at once, gotta start with breadcrumb trails. Foreplay, user. Foreplay. Just plant the seed and water it with dropped facts here and there.