Why does the right keep voting against its own interest cant we get a Trump thats for universal health care?

Why does the right keep voting against its own interest cant we get a Trump thats for universal health care?

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Last year, Is it because the bill was wrapped in Aids and other corrupt legislation.?

Was that the same bill that would allow people to vote with bank statements instead of ID?

>single out one law in Gigantic fat filled proposed bills
I hope the vax kills these people

>universal health care i america
>third world can no longer afford medicine due to americans no longer paying exorbitant amounts for medicine to enact subsidies for the 3rd world
>superbugs run rampant
>humanity goes extinct
not doing it.

Attached: future_president.png (98x222, 39.22K)

Do you not understand that the GOP and the DNC are two sides of the same filthy, immoral coin?

God DAMN it, 1-post slide thread faggot, THINK for once. THINK!!

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>Is it because the bill was wrapped in Aids and other corrupt legislation
They always do this.
>"Save the Children Bill"
>500 earmarks for 500 Billion in unrelated spending
OMG you voted against saving the children!

Look at the strawman I just built on Twitter!

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>its own interest

Truckers pension? Was never a thing

fuck republicans, fucks dems. they should all be sacked

>Universal healthcare
>In my own interest
I'll vote for universal healthcare when non-citizens aren't allowed to vote and are actually fucking removed from the country.

This isn't 1963 we are the third world shithole now.


The truckers hate the left more than anything. Just look at them.

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Why do shills keep pushing this scam?
We already have "universal" k-12 schooling and it's mediocre at best.
You can't have any universal systems without some strict rules, like an immigration moratorium, and body mutilation bans, aka "transgender surgery."

This is true. In effect, we subsidize systems in places like the UK. too Big pharma targets the US more than Western Europe - it's a sunk cost.

we don't like establishment jew republicucks either
mention it all you want

Look at the great medical soldiers and veterans get through the VA. That's universal government healthcare at its finest with unlimited resources.

one post this ID

stupid shit thread. click hide.


That would be too successful and undermine the trick that gets played on the general burger population. I can also personally guarantee every other answer ITT is very gay and fake

It fulfill strict requirements (general discharge veterans get nothing), and I'll be damned if they support genital mutilation. They also have had a history of mediocrity.

Lemme guess, that trucker's pension thing was hijacked and had a bunch of other shit thrown in