Is it Possible Putin just intentionally Exposed Globohomo?

Slow Joe Biden just went all in on pretending there was an imminent war between Russia and Ukraine. In fact he did everything he could to precipitate a conflict. He WANTS war because it would benefit Globohomo and by extension his corrupt family.

On the other side we have Vlad the Impaler. Vlad starts the posturing, all the time understanding the decrepit walking corpse in the White House is nothing but a puppet completely under the direction of his masters, who are, at the end, complete cowards and cravens. Vlad plays chicken. Vlad toys with the childish cravens. Vlad gets the cravens to push their walking corpse into the limelight and commit to a stupid position. Vlad walks away, farting in the walking corpse's general direction and laughing at his Globohomo adversaries.

Attached: SlowJoe.jpg (640x480, 66.53K)

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Yeah, bro. Putin getting his bluff called and running away like a weak kike was totally 4D chess...just like Zion Don losing to Dementia Joe. Trust the plan, comrade!

Attached: Russia will save the Wes-.jpg (450x600, 84.81K)

I have no idea what you just said but grandpa joe does look and act at lot like Skull Face, so i wouldn't doubt he'd love to commit a false flag to start a global nuclear war

Attached: Sins of the Father.jpg (1280x720, 83.89K)

So he knows now he can push into Donets and Donbass with a "referendum" and get away with it. You think that is him running away? It was always his plan, just like last time in Crimea. Are you a shill or just stupid?

>it was his plan to retreat

Attached: putin chinlette.png (423x299, 274.35K)

Shocking right.

Attached: hot shit.png (700x378, 260.38K)

Lol, you honestly believe he wanted a war? He is mostly broke. He can't afford a war and never could. It was all kabuki like Kim in NK used to do. All for da gibs. And what did we see happen today? The Israeli pipeline to the EU got nuked. Oh, gee, I'm sure that was just a happy coincidence for Vlad, right? Right? But we here are happy because da Jews. If you're going to post here, how about you not be a NPC tier clueless fuck?

>for da gibs
what gibs did jewtin get out of this?

You clueless fuck. Read the comment you responded to. Oh wait, you're a 14 yr old wannabe tranny so you don't know anything beyond the fact you'll be dead within 10 yrs. I'd feel bad for you if you deserved an ounce of sympathy.

you cant explain your position in detail?

Oh, my bad, here let me spoon feed your zoomer dysfunctional brain. "Israeli pipeline to the EU". If you can't figure it out from there you aren't worth the typing.

And what does the
>Israeli pipeline to the EU
have to do with Putin cucking out on Ukraine?

bump for answers

Are you seriously this ignorant?

How does Russia make payroll? Hint: Oil and gas sold primarily to the EU.

What happens to Russia if the EU buys oil and gas elsewhere? Hint: Russia goes broke.

If Israel could sell gas to the EU via a pipeline, what would the implications be to Russia? Hint: competition would eat into Russia's ability to pay the bills.

If Russia pretends they will attack Ukraine and plays brinkmanship to bring the West to the negotiating table, what do you think they would want in exchange for not warring? Hint: Hey, how about you nix the jewish gas pipeline to the EU?

You up to speed zoomer?

Russia only supplies, at best, 40% of EU's gas. The rest comes from Norway and Algeria. Russia is NOT that important for European when it comes to gas.

Ah, you're a shill, maybe a bot. I get it now. Nobody is this stupid in reality.

But of course then you understand it isn't about what % is supplied by Russia, it is the amount Russia sells, or total revenue they can then use internally to prop up their system which runs very, very thin. But you know this, right? Because you're a smart bot.

If anything, Russia needs to sell gas to Europe. Russia is also poor as shit thanks to Jewtin and his wealthy (((oligarchy))) friends. Imagine losing his gas deal to some ME country.

Nah meen no cap fr fr str8 bussin

You just repeated what I said, which doesn't flow with anything in this thread, so I assume you are also a bot. Interdasting.

At least you agree that Putin didn't gain anything from pussying out of Ukraine war, that Putin needs to sell gas to the EU and the EU doesn't need Russia's gas, and Putin is a cuck who cucked out. Ok.

Lol, he got the competing Israeli pipeline nuked by his bitch Biden. Other than that, yah, he didn't get anything bot.

Minsk Agreement?

That happened a month ago. Not related to Putin's recent build up and cucking out.

Al Putin managed to achieve is convincing the EU to look for a more reliable natural gas supplier. I hope you enjoy starving in the cold this winter, Ivan, when Europe drops Russia.

He will prolong Bidens reign so that he can enjoy another 4 years of his incompetence as they say bear will not kill he's victim immediately