When did you realize that Adolf Hitler was the good guy?

When did you realize that Adolf Hitler was the good guy?

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never.. and now he is sucking cock in Hell for his crimes.

I always knew it

jews were the good guys all the way along
one day you'll realize it

It's in the genes. That's why they want every single one of us dead.


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Found der Juden

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I always knew it american scum.

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I'll never understand libertarians/anarchists.
If you want freedom, you HAVE to go away from other people. That's just the way things work. In remote places with sparse populations the laws are lax (and also unenforceable). What's the fucking issue? You are completely separated from the "dictator" society maintainers. If you want to be a part of society you have to play with their rules or just fuck off. The choice is yours. Stop being a faggot.

Listened to and read the subtitles to a few of his speeches. The guy cared about his people that’s it. Debating weather he was “good” or “bad” is pretty infantile and highly subjective

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>I'll never understand libertarians/anarchists.

You don't understand because you are a retard, it's a pretty simplistic ideology, most people get it in the first time degenerate.

When I realized that every degenerate parasite in the West calls their enemies Fascists.

>destroyed Europe and give the world on a silver plate to communists and jews (americans)
>good guy

When I learned about the crimes Jews committed in the USSR.

like 2 years ago. saw how awful jews are, saw how they lie, did a big thonk. opened my mind to national socialism, realized the truth. patton said it best: we fought the wrong guys

>blaming Hitler for what his enemies did
There's no reason for you to cope, user. France gave plenty of volunteers to the right cause.

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You're fucking stupid.

hitler killed millions of people. you'll grow out of your edgy phase eventually.

And you are a fucking degenerate american scum, I don't even know why I waste my time with you fucking monkey.

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He promotes violence.
He's a fed.

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Almost 10 years ago

this is an integral redpill, along with the fact hitler tried to keep the peace for as long as possible with the rest of europe after he invaded poland. it was BRITAIN who really wanted world war and spurred it.

internal spiritual battle

And you are a pussy being dicked by china, how does it feel to get bent and fucked? Go back to your real masters scum!

Stop spamming faggot memeflag shill.
Just kys nigger monkey.

Hitler lost. Cope.

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It's insane that the Bavarian Soviet isn't taught as a foundational moment in the National Socialist takeover of Germany. Bavaria was one of the most pro-NatSoc regions in the country for a reason.
What's funny is that he has a passage in Mein Kampf where he calls out the sneering "silent workers" as useless retards, essentially mocking "muh Fed" posters before it was cool.

>it was BRITAIN
Kek. Bomber Harris did nothing wrong.

You don't have arguments, nature of your education/religion scum. kill yourself degenerate.

Keep worshipping a loser, I'm sure you'll win eventually. lol, just kidding, loser for life.

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