Birds mystery

Why did they do it? Webm related.

>Hundreds of yellow-headed blackbirds have been filmed appearing to fall from the sky, some of them dying, in mysterious circumstances in the northern Mexican city of Cuauhtémoc.
>The cause of death remains unclear but experts said it was most likely the flock was “flushed” from above by a predatory bird swooping down to make a catch.
>The footage from a security camera shows a flock of migratory birds descending on to houses like a cloud of black smoke. Most birds manage to fly off but subsequent footage shows carcasses of the distinctive black and yellow birds scattered on streets of the city.

>a veterinarian suggested blame for the incident could lie with high levels of pollution
>Another suggestion was that the birds were electrocuted while resting on power lines.
>There was speculation on social media that it could have been caused by 5G technology.
>But Dr Richard Broughton, an ecologist with the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, said he was 99% sure it was caused by a predatory bird. A predator could have made the birds swirl tightly and driven them towards the ground, with higher birds forcing lower ones to crash into the buildings or the ground.

Attached: birbs.webm (644x720, 2.7M)

If it was a predatory bird, why did we not see that bird swoop in on the birds once they plummeted to the ground?

What THE FUCK? Has to be nerve gas, nothing else fits.

prolly saw how retarded they are and left in confusion

>a veterinarian suggested blame for the incident could lie with high levels of pollution
I get that pollution kill but not like THAT

Ever seen that movie "Birds"?

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shitty autopilot


When raptors like peregrine falcons or merlins are chasing certain bird species like starlings, the prey species literally "flock" together into a huge group called a murmuration. The movement of the murmuration is controlled by something called "scale-free correlation". Basically, each bird reacts to the movement of the bird next to it, but there is no leader of the flock or central direction. So it is possible for a murmuration to flee so vigorously from a falcon on one side that the individual responses of the birds accumulate through the crowd to blow out the other side of the murmuration in a death dive. With behavior this complex, it's pretty common to have a glitch in the murmuration. It's generally fine...unless they happen to be very close to a solid object. But hey, easy pickings.

Look like they got electrocuted by the power line. It is mexico after all.

They are culling the weak.

mass hysteria

They touched the power line and it shocked all of them

I doubt they were holding wings

can a human survive that?

Was wondering the same thing. A single hit wouldn't mean much, but a hundred?

Any Forums taught me this is caused by nerve gas.
dumb birds should have taken a safety class.

Wind. Micro downburst.

Look at that tree in front of the yellow house. Moves before any birds get near it.

Birds move in an evasive pattern against a bird of prey and being how they are some slam into the ground hard enough to stun themselves. A few actually die. A small percentage considering the number of the flock.



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The mass of the brids was pushing the air down, so it moved

solar flare done emp'd em

Birds navigate by using earths magnetic field. Looks like the leader bird(s) got thrown off course for some reason and turned straight to the ground, the birds at the front saw where they were going and managed to evade whilst the birds in the middle/ back of the flock didn't have time to react. Could be 5g, not sure if it messes with magnetic fields

IF it was a predatory bird, how does that explain 100 dead birds?

Birds aren't real fools

If this is within half a mile of an airport, it could have been the turbulence cause by a landing jet.
Seen it do some freaky shit to the rainwater during light drizzles.

>They touched the power line and it shocked all of them
Birds sit/stand on power lines all the time retard - Look up once in a while.

We had a shit ton of starlings (thousands) die in my part of Wales a few years back. Literally walking my dogs and there were thousands of bird corpses and the papers and media refused to report on it. Mate posted about it on faceberg and got insta banned for disinfo. lol

they happened to fly over a particularly gruesome outdoor cartel torture session and fainting from the gore. birds are gentle souls.

A witch lived in there

One of the birds shouted ALLAHU ACKBAR!!

they hit the pavement hard, birbs are fragile

genetically engineered virus-carrying birds
>oh a bunch of birds fell out of the sky and died, better walk close to them and catch every disease they might have had!
humanity deserves the culling

I like birds a lot, I had somewhat of a grasp of how it happened but you just explained it brilliantly. Thank you.
Thread answered.


birds die from flying into windows all the time, and a window has more give than solid concrete

Dn't worry the science already debunked it and what happened was a normal. those birds just encountered a normal and got confused, which happens some times when a normal happens

Checked, CNN leaf intern

There doesn't need to be an actual bird for the flock to get spooked. Once one of them thinks they see something, it's like shouting "nigger" in a crowded theatre where everyone is talking loudly.
The only unusual thing is that this was caught on camera by people who don't know birbs.

Did you see the part where they hit the concrete? They an hero or knock themselves out on windows all the time, they're not tough.

t. sister flies hawks and I've seen birbs do this before

I don't think it was. I think it was electromagnetic frequencies from 5G fucking with their life frequency.

>t. sister flies hawks and I've seen birbs do this before

Your sister must be tiny!

Stop making sense faggot I want to believe that this is some newfangled conspiracy

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5 g experiments bird brains are more fragile and the waves penetrate their skulls and by the time the wave penetrates their skulls its still strong enough to vibrate and they all immediately die

Also the military is doing research into flight patterns of birds and using neura link

something like 1 billion birds a year die to hitting windows in the US alone

I thought the same, but I'm really rural, we literally only got fiber optic late last year and have none of those masts.
Maybe it accumulates in them though and once they've had enough they just expire?

Fucking kek.

Oh don't you know? Birds ALWAYS do this. They ALWAYS drop from the sky in huge numbers. Don't be so ignorant. This is as common as teenage heart attacks. And we all know teenage heart attacks are just part of growing up.

If that was a thing then we'd be using sparrows as fucking batteries.

Yeah but they literally DO do this all the time, just not in cities while on camera.


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