Saving the white race

>Saving the white race
>Saving Christendom
>No vaccine mandates in Russia
>Stopped Obama from smuggling Russian children into the hands of pedos
>I would rather live under Putin so at least i could live my life unmolested to a point like the Russians do
>They are still all christian
>They hate gays
>They have a middle class
>look at america it is the worst shithole in the world unless you live in the few nice areas
>america is the least free country on earth
>No jewish influence in Russian politics
>No LGBT community
>No muslims
>no blacks
>I'm jealous of people who live in russia

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the russian man has always been a beast, he will lie to you, he will torture you, he will rob you and than play the victim, a russian man is a byproduct of centuries of asian and european crossbreeding and he posses the looks of the white man but the soullessness of a bug eyed chink

>Saving the white race
>by putting WN in jail

Thatz rite

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>having a birthrate that rivals japans
>having a suicide rate that rivals finland
>having the economic value of italy

Actually Russia's economy is closer to Canada's than it is to Italy's, at least in nominal gdp


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They are mostly chechens. Literally whiter than you faggots

Cлaвa Poccии! Eдинcтвy Cлaвa! Бoяpe, хoлoпы, хoзяeвa, paбы, дoлжны cлитьcя в экcтaзe eдинcтвa! Чтo бы Poccия былa Beликaя и Moщнaя! Haшa любoвь к Пyтинy oбъeдиняeт вce клaccы и cлoи нaceлeния! CЛABA ПУTИHУ! УPA! УPA! УPA!


>Now THATS What I Call Fedposting Vol .124214238946237846327846178246128946218946

>no muslims
American education

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We russians aren't wh*Te and don't give a fuck about wh*Toids.

>encourgaging russian women to sleep with central asian and chinese men

nato is a white military pact.. russia is closely alligned with central asia and east asia and opposed to europe

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you are a retard if you think gdp means anything
if you think hollywood, porn, lawyer fees, jewish healthcare market sectors mean anything youre ngmi
>20% of american gdp is on healthcare
>27% of chinese gdp is manufacturing
10% of american gdp is manufacturing
60% of russian gdp is resources

NATO is the globohomo
not saying Russia is great but fuck the globohomo

lv bags, high fashion doesnt take primacy over resources and manufacturing

>Child traffickers
>Fake Orthodox Church (Jewish)

The Russian and Ukrainian govnts both need to be destroyed in fairness. But likely these kikes with slither back into their wholes while citizens & soldiers face hell on earth.

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Yea, that's all fine, but Russians aren't Christian

Orthodogsy is an unrecognized sect

See ya in Kiev bitches

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Yet you’re still here, pussy.

Who gaf aboot people. They aren't people. Aren't humans.

60% of Russia's GDP is in 1 resource. Check out Venezuela to see what happens.


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can't wait see russia het fucked by the EU

NATO countries could be globohomo but Russia is just so poor that it's pure despair. I would choose any country in NATO to be born in over Russia. That says everything there needs to be said when considering which one is better. Ukrainians realized the same thing.


>I would choose any country in NATO to be born in over Russia
Nice, now prepare to get blacked.