List of supplies that Ukraine requested from NATO. No assault weapons, not even defensive equipment...

List of supplies that Ukraine requested from NATO. No assault weapons, not even defensive equipment, all together it looks like a set of tools for liquidation the consequences of a huge technogenic catastrophe. Are glowniggers preparing to blow up a ukrainian nuclear power plant or what?

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Continuation of the list 2/4

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good post

this is all about energy so possibly relayed to power plants. maybe west wants to cause an accident in ukraine to kill nuclear power in europe.

looks like they're planning to mobilize firefighters for CBRN response.

>1 x gas chamber
Uh oh....

The money isn't in war, it's rebuilding after one. They're trying to skip that part because both sides answer to the unelected round table groups like WEF which defend the rights of modern oligarchs (many who usurped their wealth and titles over the last 250 years of global conflicts).

These asiatic mongol fucks would really drop ordinance and mines into the black sea? wtf just nuke them

Curious, just saw this on Twitter...
>I don't want to write this, but I have to. I think that in Ukraine they are preparing not only plywood machine guns for war. They could mine all industrial facilities - including nuclear power plants and DneproGES. The consequences will be at the level of a nuclear war in Europe.

This is just a shopping list at this point, why buy it all yourself when the West can buy it for you?

They're going to firebomb ancient Scythian relics. God damn Kikes

based hohols making STALKER a reality

Disaster Response Coordination only. Ams and military logistics would of been sent to another office. KEEP DIGGING....Good Stuff!

Check out my new bulldozer.

Attached: download.jpg (246x204, 7.73K)

No zyklon-B though

that’s enough to gas at least six million jews

>inflatable boat with engine (for 5-6 people)
>760 units

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It looks like it's specifically from the EADRCC I'm assuming this guy buys/asks for stuff for disaster relief. The weapon requests probably go through Hunter or the NATO equivalent of the DOD.

Looks like NATO is planning on a false flag op.

How could Russia save Europe in this scenario?
Airdrop elite Spetznats in Chernobyl and other nuclear power plants while carpet bombing every single long range weapon, artillery, rocket launchers and airfield in the Ukraine?

Are we going to see a CS Nuke matchmaking IRL?

Maybe they've mines a dam on Dnieper river. There are 6 of them. Remember chink floods earlier this year?

Attached: Location-of-the-Dnipro-Reservoirs-1-6-Kyivske-Kanivske-Kremenchutske-Kamianske[1].jpg (502x602, 95.36K)


You mean Russians soldiers commuting acts of terrorism to justify invasion and genocide? Again?

>The consequences will be at the level of a nuclear war in Europe
Still can't see how this might impact all Europe except radioactive fallout.


Yeah again, like we did on 9/11.

Hope the doors are made of highest quality timber.

Пoмню читaл нoвocть o тoм, чтo нa Укpaинe экcплyaтиpyют cтapыe coвeтcкиe AЭC нe пo тeхникe бeзoпacнocти, пoтoмy чтo yгля нeт. Гoдa 20 или 21. Moжeт знaeт ктo пoдpoбнocти?

Perfect distraction from covid.

War + nuclear fallout.

anti-bum hydrogel dressings for hohol butthurt