Half-Life 2 is unironically our future

Daily reminder that the schizos were unironically right.
The future that awaits us if we don't put a stop to this is straight out of half-life 2.
>Drugged drinking water supply that makes you stupid. (Flouride)
>Your DNA is owned.
>Your DNA connects you with every essential service.
>Mass surveillance
>Live in cramped pod housing.
>Extremely limited movement
>5G reproductive suppression field.
>Any form wrongthink will make the elite block you out of their system, starving you.
>If not they send you off to the gulags.
>Populations shipped around creating mixed non-homogenous slave populations
>Transhumanist military units under their complete control
>AI Overwatch

I used to be skeptic, but with Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 & The Great Reset and everything. This is unironically what the elite plans for us. I wish I was kidding. Say hello to your new Combine overlords.

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So when do people start playing minecraft?

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>You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining smart cities. I thought so much of Jerusalem that I elected to establish my system here, in the tower so thoughtfully provided by Our Lord. I have been proud to call Jerusalem my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, welcome to Jerusalem. It's safer here.

Don't drink the water. The out something in it, to make you forget. I don't even remember how I got here

The Combine are more benevolent than the Jews though

I'm still hoping for fallout

If Half-Life 2 is our future then I hope there will also be a hero like Gordon Freeman to free us of that future.

No freeman but g-man

Yeah he’s called Jesus.

I think the "hero" that comes to "save" us from evil will actually be the antichrist; let us hope he has a cool HEV suit at least.

They're always departing but they never arrive, and the ones that do arrive, they never leave, you never seem them go, they're always full, but no one ever gets on. They're always departing but they never arrive, and the ones that do arrive, they never leave, you never seem them go, they're always full, but no one ever gets on. They're always departing but they never arrive, and the ones that do arrive, they never leave, you never seem them go, they're always full, but no one ever gets on. They're always departing but they never arrive, and the ones that do arrive, they never leave, you never seem them go, they're always full, but no one ever gets on.

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>real life half life 2 starts when Hitler phases back into existence on a train arriving in New York City

>hey, I didn't see you get on...
>well, end of the line..
>doors open

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Is the half life book worth reading if I wanna really get autistic about the story and all the details? I did play the game but it’s all kind of vague

Pick up that Vaccine Can!

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future? you mean present right?
tell me this aint one of those skinny boobless cockless freaks walking around in the citadel

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The Combine were at war with superdimensional jews (g-man)
Gordon Freeman just wanted to play video games but he is forced to clean it up

Black mesa is garbage
Play the original or don't bother.

the right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world, user

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.... time ...???

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What book is that user? I'd love to read some official lore shit posting

Pretty sure he's referring to Raising the Bar, which is more about cut concepts. Still a great book of ideas. I was obsessed with the original vision for HL2 when I was younger.

Breen = Putin

>>Drugged drinking water supply that makes you stupid. (Flouride)
>>Your DNA is owned.
True, already exists
>>Your DNA connects you with every essential service.
Soon enough
>>Mass surveillance
Already exists so true
>>Live in cramped pod housing.
>>Extremely limited movement
G reproductive suppression field.
Retard that doesn't understand what 5G or flouride is
>>Any form wrongthink will make the elite block you out of their system, starving you.
>>If not they send you off to the gulags.
>>Populations shipped around creating mixed non-homogenous slave populations
>>Transhumanist military units under their complete control
>>AI Overwatch
Nah too impractical

Someone post the pic from that fern mod

time to raise the bar, bitches.

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That would mean we’ve been invaded in clandestine fashion. Our version of the Combine aren’t as overt with their tech as they were in Half Life 2.

Still pretty accurate OP, I agree.

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