Says vaccines don't work, triple shots can still catch covid.
Says masks don't works and people hate them.
Says vaccine passports don't work
Says let's just move forward.
Why is this guy flip flopping on covid now? Is he panicking?

Attached: doug ford vaccines masks.png (604x516, 343.41K)

They have to because people are getting sick. Ultimately they have to pretend that they were anti vaccine the whole time. Peoples attention spans are so low that its easy for them to switch. Also republicans are responsible for lockdowns, masks and vaccine. I know its weird but they are.

Isn’t this the guy that smoked crack on camera?

Frick frick frick this can't be happening in the middle of a fricking GLOBAL PANDEMIC. Why would he stop listening to the fricking SCIENCE. I can only pray that when the corpses start pileling up in the streets he we be removed from office and a smart, reasonable sciecne following politician will be installed.

Aww the old hook line and sink her reply. Put info at the start to reel people in, then brainwash at the end.


This. Why do Republicans hate freedom?

Are we just going to let them end things and forget? Because I'll never forgive or forget what these scumbags did and tried to do. They're going to fucking pay for it too.

The science has changed

>Is he panicking?
They all are, but they clawed out the power they wanted and the Emergency will become permanent. Now they pretend to back down to isolate to protestors and promise 'return to normalcy'...

His brother was so much cooler

Nope that was his little bro I think the once mayor of Torodesh

kys faggot

Elections are coming soon. Standard poli-tricks.

>Also republicans are responsible for lockdowns, masks and vaccine.
Yes, of course. And in Canada too! It's all the American GOP's fault!

Kek I remember that


They're not good at it though. Shills need multiple posts to work this con but they're too lazy and need their 0.5 yuan right away.

I hate how politicians like Ford act like like this is new information when we've known for months now that the passports are fucking useless.


This big dumb fat fucking cretin has gone back on his word before. This is happening at the same time as last year. Don't fucking let him get away with shit until it's over and the emergency powers are gone for good.

You know shit has gone off the rails when they're trying to blame the right for lockdowns and mask mandates. I was telling people on New Years that by the end of 2022, the Left will pretend like none of the past 2 years ever happened and it was all the Republican's fault besides. We're not even two months into the year and they're already spinning the new narrative. That's how desperate they are right now.

If they're willing to fuck off, it's a victory. But you cannot stop until you go out and it is the same as Jan 1 2020

He's being an opportunist

this is suspicious, why is everyone easeing up on the restrictions and stuff

Oh ya now he says the shit people have been saying for months. Never forget his flip flopping and lying. Vote that fat piece of shit out

Now WW3 in Ukraine

Son of a bitch liar fuck.

yeah, his bro Rob Ford. rest in peace you absolute madman.

Attached: c956caf475be77816a487f12db1e7455358fa9f0c5b8e3c9efd3ee284025c94d.jpg (635x493, 130.11K)

freudian slip

That was his brother, who is dead now. Don't do crack, kids.