Uh oh

Uh oh

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>Quintez Brown
Dios Mio


Quintez shoots Greenberg - approved

Gun control was always just leftoid need for the commie boot on their neck, they're fine with weapons as long as their team has them because they believe themselves to be the mentally sound ones.

As always, leftists always project and lie about everything. To be a good liar like a leftist, you have to convince yourself that reality don't real in the first place. They start with abortion, which is the first step to selling their soul completely. I mean that in a metaphorical sense as I'm an atheist.

Weird, never saw anything on the twitter sidebar about it

>Nigger BLM activist
>Kike Democrat
Where's the issue here? I'm not getting involved with my enemies killing each other

What's funny is that when you search for his name, pozzed leftoid news sources are showing the (((victim))) in the main thumbnail image instead of the gunman.

BLM still wont be called a terrorist organization

IMAGINE going to assasinate a political figure, having him dead to rights in a matter of feet, not even meters, and you miss 9 shots, hitting no one.

Niggers really need to learn how to fucking hold a gun and how to aim, I GARUNTEE he aimed with one fucking hand.

Burgers just destroying the left on gin control, why do they still bother

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Are there any actual Africans that believe in Pan-Africanism?

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it’s just overrated vodka really

The problem is cuckservatives in congress are obsessed with playing defense and never take advantage of being in power to roll back federal gun control.
If the GOP wins in 2024, they better be ready to push for abolishing the NFA along with enacting nationwide constitutional carry and stand your ground.

My thoughts exactly

Screams false flag

he's also a supporter of communism and pan-africanism

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>Nigger tries to kill a Jew politician

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Niggers gotta nig

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>chef's kiss