Canadian celebrities REJECT “freedom convoy”

The far right is weaponising “freedom” and normal hard working Canadians are seeing right through it.

This is their January 6 moment. An attempt to overthrow a free and open democracy.


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Nailed it. Perfect irony.

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>hopefully this disease permanently circulates forever so we can declare we've beaten it

how is a mandate supported by science when triple jabbed people are getting covid including the fucking premiers and prime minister, animal reservoirs, omicron being mild..?

Another one? Ignore slide threads. Focus on Canada and bank runs. Trudeau needs to go

You don't get to "vote" over what does or does not go into my body, faggot. That's not how a liberal democracy works.

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The social science. It's now considered bad manners to not indulge the rituals of the hysterical masses

Weaponizing freedom? So you’re saying freedom is less important that what exactly?

Exactly, we've already hit herd immunity. It's no longer a "pandemic", it's endemic. I had covid last month, why am I still not allowed to flee my country or even participate in society?

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I know bro. And the shot isn't even geared towards contemporaneously circulating strains. It's total nonsense at this point. The cult is propelling itself forward and will soon fall apart.
Omicron being mild though... It's not so clear. It's causing deaths in other areas. Lung diseases, for instance pulmonary embolisms, are down with omicron but neurological ones are up. It's also more deadly for kids (although that's a low bar to beat, remember). All of this is for unvaxed btw. VADE may be making omicron even worse for the vaxed.

Imagine giving your five year old VAIDS.

anyone else getting tired of watching people like linus living la vida loca at our expense
there is literally a cult of 5 to 25 million if not more that all worship satan and sell us all out to live like that
it makes me want to do horrible things
i dont care if these people have children i want them dead for being born to these scum
i cant believe God chose them over me
i dont even get to be a person and i get tortured as a targeted individual while people like this kike laugh their way to the bank
any ideas on what to do with my hatred for god and his most favored children anons
i want to kill myself but then they win
i want to end their bloodlines but im just one person

>Canadian celebrities
Izzat the same as African politicians from 50 years ago? Like "assholes nobody has ever heard of"?

quiet chink

>supported by science

Anyone of them say anything after Trudeau declared war measures?

linus is a cück who is dependent on big tech
of course he's only allowed to have "correct opinions" (TM)

>t. flag
lmao how would you fucking be

lol normies arnt human or alive they are fully posessed mind control victims
you dont get it user
they know whats going on they just dont care at all cuz they have what they want food power and facebook
nothing will wake them up theyrr already dead
the souls either in hell or on its way

I know what you mean, but its not even supported by social sciences, as even Fauci was saying who knows how many months ago, trying to force people to take vaccine would get less people vaccinated than convincing them

free and open democracy was overthrown by fagot democrats when they rigged the elections, on January 6th there was an attempt to free us. BTW I'm a medical student and covid vax is a joke get vaccinated, u idiot, you'll die faster, nice.
Truckers don't even get out of their truck, they sit there alone, you are incredible retarded.
Niggers' average iq is 80, whites' 100, 80% of iq is genetical. Niggers' countries are shit, whites' countries are the most developed. Cope, seethe and dilate, u dumb nigger. You will never be a human.

Oh no, we can't lose the celebrities!

I really cannot believe that people like this exist in real life. It’s not about the jab, it’s not about science. It’s about coercion at the hands of government. Do they not understand or do they fully understand and choose to be like this intentionally?

you already killed your chinky daughter you racemixing idiot, she's living on borrowed time

what are you gonna say when she gets heart palpitations and comes to you "daddy, my chest hurts"? will you put up a Corsair-sponsored video to tell how much covid sucks?

lmao its just perfect, people like this faggot don't deserve to pass the great filter

What has the Biebs said about this?

lol hes a satanist
his shot was saline
idk tho my stepdads a glownigger and he vaxxed his daughters and didnt care when i told him they would die
these people will sacrifice their children for satan

Imagine taking political advice from a guy who types "YES DO AS I SAY" into the command line prompt after being explicitly told it would brick his desktop

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>All of this is for unvaxed btw
if you use their definition, yeah. if recently injected people counted as vaxxed you'd see a lot more fuckery, but they hide it behind "teehee having the shot for less than 2 weeks puts you in the same group as someone with no shots"

i bet the 'bad' omicron cases are wildly overrepresented in people who are 'unvaxxed' but have had at least one of their government mandated shots

Linus G. Sebastian: this is your brain on Any Forums.

Congratulations, Any Forums, for exposing the innate and subconscious racism of a very white computer genius.

>tHe SoIeNcE
When did I wake up and start living in medical apartheid technocracy and not a liberal democracy?

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The irony of not knowing that genetic traits like skin color come grouped with other genetic traits like IQ

Why cant they ever understand that the skin colour doesn't matter? Its the brain inside the head of the person with the skin colour? Do they think that white people believe that their skin pigment makes a difference, wait ... isn't that what the melanin warriors actually believe lol, would love to ask his Asian wife what her opinion on race is.

What are the odds thats actually his wife's boyfriends' daughter?

another one would be
>Evolution exists! Differing factors among groups of animals produce measurable differences on subsequent offspring!
>Wait, you think poor black people who were bred for slavery, kept poor, uneducated, etc etc has an effect on their IQ????


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I m also for depopulation, too many useless eaters

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>Like what even is a heuristic lmao

This guy unironically lives in my neighbourhood. What should I say to him and his family next time I see them?

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He's not reading his audience very well. He's shitting on them hard. This won't play out well for his ostensible "career".


This faggot said race mixing is good and that should tell you all you need to know

This guy is a riceburner imagine taking him seriously after the fact

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Catch her and call dibs.

Meanwhile, anons from outside Hong Kong are collaborating on tactics (Better Bank Run):

It was endemic the moment it was released from the lab, what is this fucker on about?

Leftoids are the new fascists, They want you under Liberal Fascism

Yet you only employ whites and asians, how interesting!

literal linus who?

Canadian celebs are just losers who werent even important enough to go work in the states

The list of important people who did all of their important work in this country is incredibly short.

Everyone with an IQ below 130 needs to be culled or at very least kept very far away from anything to do with government.

literal who?

well isn't that basically the race spread in BC? white ultra liberals and asians

>wow heh scared of the needle eh pussy

No Linus I'm scared of unchecked government overreach that infringes on my basic human rights. You stupid fucking yellow fever urbanite faggot.