My daughter just said jews have been starging all wars in the world
In a fucking history class
I taught her that but I specifically said not to tell that publicly
How fucked am I, Pol ?

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own it you fucking pussy cunt. Be proud.

Give her the evidence to backup that claim
>no one likes to admit they were removed from 142 countries

How much money to marry your daughter?

post daughter

Those are rookie numbers. We need to pump those numbers up.

You'll be fine lmao.

Is she of marigable age?

good for you user. dont be afraid. just say that is what you observed and say "it was real to me"

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Proud of ya.

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a goat and 4 gallons of pesticide
to marry your daughter

>Daughter starts redpilling kids in school about jews
Uhh ... may I say b-based?

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>My daughter goes to government school and I post under a natsoc flag
Absolute queer

>How fucked am I, Pol
Considering your flag you are probably ok, but I would worry about your daughter. NPC's don't like antisemites and your daughter could be targeted for destruction. It's why I recommend limiting your red pilling until late teens or perhaps early 20's.

go back faggot

Wasn't this pretty much to end of the murdoch murdoch movie?

I want to impregnate your daughter.


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Send the fucking teacher this.

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This is what I fear, scratch that, I ASSUME they are already targeting her with some shit to get back to parents
How likely it is they will try to turn her into a troon ?
I was thinking of getting a micro voice recorder and sewing it in her school bag or clothes to monitor activity around her for some time

Nisi u Americi, nece se nista desiti.


hahaha kek.

My daughter came home at the beginning of February with a "black history month" project where the teacher assigned each student a black person to do a report on of their life story and history. My daughter got fuckin Obama. I was literally chuckling under my breath and laughing so hard inside when she came home that afternoon and asked me to help her look up stuff and pictures. OH BOY was the 5th grade class going to be in for a surprise. My wife is redpilled and knows a bunch as well, she turned and looked at me and saw my eyes light up and the wheels turning in my head and she told our daughter to ask the teacher to give her a different person and a different assignment. My daughter has not been given the info i know yet, but after shes old enough to get a taste of it i plan to drop redpills slowly to show her the true nature of this country. I keep her as shielded as i can from the Mockingbird Media and globohomo and degeneracy on TV.

Later that evening the wife and i talked about it, she was hoping our daughter could get another person, because she knew i was going to have a massive poster board with Obamas complete life story, how his mother was a CIA asset whore pushed into the east to gather intel, got preggers and had a bastard child, links to the Sauds and Iran bribery payments, Renegade orders to shoot down Seal team 6 helo, how hes married to a tranny, and child diddling. Boy what a fuckin poster board of info that would be!!!

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wow, good job for making your child become an antisemite bigot.

If there any pantifa or twatter feminists in croatia?

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>I taught her that but I specifically said not to tell that publicly

Your name will go in a file.

Is this not normal in Croatia?
If you were in California you'd be right fucked.

you should be fine

Got more nudes of his mom?

The ideal is to raise a child seeing real world, but balancing how and where to say and act in line with own beliefs
It is very hard to do without the child sperging off to extremes of the spectrum

What are you worried about that's based