Run on Banks

What would a run on banks do?
In what ways would it fuck with banking services for normies? How would it affect the economy?
I want every detail.

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And I'm using it.

You can't cause a run on banks that have an infinite money printer.

Is that even possible now that we have fractional reserve and e-banking

Banks don't have much cash on hand it would quickly be depleted. Normies would hear the rumors about bank runs and try to get cash. There would be panic, the banking system would lose all credibility. Hard to say what happens next but I wouldn't want to be in government.

Just do it, don’t let your memes be dreams.

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they would just shut the banks down. you're not as clever as you think you are. money and banks only work when people have trust in it! bankrun means nothing but people loose faith in the system, next step in this cascade is people stop using fiat money and use something with inherent value. the final blow will happen when people stop taking loans, using creditcards dont pay back loans/credits, which will kill the whole fincial system - its a ponzi sheme, they are forced to create credits to back up the shit thats already in there books.

Say this scenario happens, would it render cash useless, or would its buying power remain as long as the public still believes in its worth as a currency?

but how would people get funkos if they took all their money out of the bank? send money orders? yeah right. you'll get 3% of the population max and they won't be the affluent ones.

Fractional reserve banking:
The bank reports that they actually have 10 or x times the supply of money they actually have so they can make more and bigger loans to make (read print more money). They do not actually have the money you collectively entrusted to them, they only have one tenth the supply. Such a practice would be highly illegal with any given commodity, but the banks are exempt bc of (((them))).

Also this:

if they have a ledger they don't have to print trillions of 1 dollar bills silly. like when you look at a house it's worth dollar bills but it isn't dollar bills. I know just blew your mind wide open.

This, German bro would know, as the free trade guaranteed by the US NAVY when she open sourced the seas in 1945 was able to export her way back to prosperity

but, with every financial, economic and information censorship, they shoot themselves in the foot. Because this

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not sure, but you should loan max and buy shit because all governments are getting ready to implement cryptocurrencies which is why all of the GPU and computer parts are being cucked.

Whatever you do, do not install windows 11

Your guess is as good as mine.

physical cash would decouple from digital cash.
i can't be bothered to explain it but if you've ever read neuromancer it would basically be exactly that.

Banks only actually keep 5-10% of all their customers money on hand. The rest of it they (((loan))) out to make even more. This means that if everyone withdraws their money at once the banks collapse

Fractional reserve is the reason it IS possible

>What would a run on banks do?
these days? literally nothing, we've switched from fractional reserve banking to zero reserve banking, there is no limit on how much money the bank can give out

Cash would be worth a whole lot more as only 5-10% of people would have been able to withdraw in time

Money supply is X.
New money is created through loans.
Money created through interest must be printed.
It is owed to the people who issued the loans, the banks.
The government issues bonds to pay the debt, they collect taxes from you to pay back these loans.
You are coerced via force to exchange for this "commodity" that this centralized, privately owned entity, can create out of thin air and speculate on at whim. The fate of your economy now rests in a boomer version of NFTs owned by (((rootless international capitalists))) who have no tie to the native culture, or desire to preserve any of it in pursuit of pure economic exploitation and degenerate speculation. It doesn't matter if they have a "ledger," it's a ponzi scheme, and any important info can easily be obfuscated and fabricated, like redefining CPI several times in the past 3 decades.

Well isnt it self explainatory?
Babks can loan 10 times the amount they "have".
So if only 10% pay out the bank is broke already.

Any additional pay out wont be possible. The bank goes broke. Those who had their money in their accounts lose it. Those who still owe the bank still have to pay up.

Savers have their savings stolen. Debters still have to pay. Those who applied for a credit wont get it.

The concequences here after are at first straight forward but have long repercussiobs that are deeply ibter linked.