Now I am totally confused

What the fuck women want then? On one hand women babble about feminism, liberation from men, that they need parities in institutions, that men oppress them through catcalling, that there is a crisis of sexual violence against women and then... it turns out women enjoy aggression in porn more than men.

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>Now I am totally confused

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youre fucking stupid and should leave this website and go back to twitter

It's all one giant shit test.

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women want you to be a man and not a simp
>focus on your mission, your career, your health, your dog
>ignore women until you need them, then use them like rented ponies, then ignore them some more.
Women want a man to be a man and be head of the tribe and lead the hunt; not a pansy who stays back in the village with the old women and picks berries.
/my post best post, thread closed

Woman want to be ravaged beaten and raped

Men are denying their true nature. Men want to ravage and rape too but if you do that you get sent to prison where you are raped by a big nigger so theres no winning.

you sure like the low hanging fruit responses of Any Forums

Pols are the niggers of Europe

Women want men who do the opposite of what women say they want.

>What the fuck women want then?
That you remove choice from their menu. Unironically how they are happier.

>focus on your dog

kek roastie poastie

Women like being dominated and are genetically designed to force you to dominate them. You either dominate them and they are happy or you don't and they make your life miserable. Anything they say to the contrary is bullshit. They want you to be their authority and rock and the higher barriers the put for that is entirely to select a higher quality mate that can dominate them despite all of these things.

A lot of women will die childless for this reason so it is a problem that solves itself.

Women's rights were a mistake. Simple as.

Its simple, evolved behavior. Back in caveman times women who had what you would consider normal resistance to being beaten up and raped were just killed in the end, while the ones who just took it lived and reproduced. Repeat for tens of thousands of years and eventually women are conditioned to outright enjoy being beaten and raped. Which then starts to slowly weaken with thousands of years of civilization, but still remains.

How old are you ? You're supposed to consider what women do, not what they say.

nice link you fucking nigger

>Women want men who do the opposite of what women say they want.
Women want men who don’t give a fuck what women say they want

Every feminist wants to be called a slut and have a dick jammed in their mouth before they can finish a sentence. Go ahead, find some bra burning feminist with hairy armpits and say this to them.
They'll ruin the fabric of the Starbucks seat they're sitting on.
>This is why male feminists are forced to rape

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women are fucked up man you just get used to it

Different people think differently retard
Feminists are a shitty minority and you only think otherwise because your only interaction with women is through the internet

women want one hot guy to stick his dick in her mouth, and another guy fucking her.
so if you want women to enjoy sex, you gotta have a sex buddy. this is very unappealing to most straight men but women love it.

This makes me think cucks are just normal guys who are so in love with their wives that they dont stop them of having the best orgasm in life.

I'm not particularly interested watching physical aggression, but I do enjoy when the girl is trying to keep it together but constantly on the verge of crying or a breakdown. I like seeing the regret/humiliation.