Jews are religion

Christianity and Islam are spinoffs of Judaism, which states that the jews are god's chosen race. I don't know how white identitarians give any time to christianity when it structurally worships jews from the middle east

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judaism wasn't 'invented' until 400 or so years after christ

The only reason why any White person is a Christian is because they were raised to be. No serious White adult would make a conscious decision to follow a religion invented by their enemies.

If it's the religion invented by my enemies then why are you still trying to lead me astray? There is still time for you. Accept God and you will be forgiven.

Jews are chosen. But, the why of it isnt something they should be so proud of. They are chosen to be the force in this world that is incapable of doing anything but seeing the letter of law and having no knowledge of the spirit of law. And, in this they are chosen to serve as an example. Anyone who sees what they do and has enough of a problem with it is going to find the spirit.

>Christianity and Islam are spinoffs of Judaism
It's the other way around. Both those religions were created after christianity.

Fuck you and your kike "god"

abraham was chosen because he was the only faithful man in the middle east during his time. The fact that modern jews are descended from him means nothing

Make a religion board holy fuck. Nothing but religion threads these days

God = Allah = YHWH/Yahweh = Saturn
Not going to believe in any desert kike bullshit

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The jew is chosen to lick my anus. Fucking rat-mutt scabby race of degenerates.

think of it like God picking the hardest difficulty faction in an rts


Also correct

Imagine thinking Talmudism is Second Temple Judaism

Jesus said that from stones God can make children of Abraham

Religion is political

Based son of Abraham

This is what Christians believe lmfao. The comments are hilarious

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True. The OT was written later than the NT. It was also written by hebrew speakers who at the time were a distinct group from the aramaic talmudists. Later they would get grouped together

Christians are too prone to lie and fool themselves to take reality seriously. They'll say all sort of crazy copes like "Christianity is older than a 3000 B.C. religion".


The Talmud is a list of suggested practices, much like a Sufi mystic or a monastical order manual. It was made by the pharisee and it's incredibly similar to the NT who was also mostly made by pharisees.

Modern Judaism is based on the Torah above all, then secondarily on the history books, the book of the prophets and the books of the wise.... a combination of all of these are called Old Testament by Christians.

Religions have their followers breed with other followers
this creates a selective breeding program which selects for the personality traits the religion esposes.

Jeudaism is selective breeding for evil

Basically they deny modern Jews have anything to do with ancient Judaism because of the Talmud.
Some groups will even deny genetic connection to ancient Jews by characterizing modern Jews as some interloper ethnic group, like Khazars.
Christian identity, for example, goes full WE WUZ ISREALITES N SHIT.
Written or compiled? Dead sea scrolls prove that many OT books were known at least 2 centuries before the birth of Christ.

Christkikes love to lick jewish boots and worship the jew rabbi yashua bar yoseph.

This, Judaism is a fanfiction created by the Pharisees after they were expelled by the based Romans Diaspora to Babylon.Y'all ain't monotheists, y'all believe in pantheistic shit (kabbalah). And other shit your stupid leaders invented that didn't exist in the Mosaic law