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Babysitting is a minimum wage function

INCORRECT. Too many teachers do a poor job. Pay should be based on performance. Also, teachers that push a political narrative on students should be fired.

There is.

Teachers don't create wealth

FUCK TEACHERS. Sitting at a desk and passing out a bunch of papers is not a fucking job.

The NFL sucks cock but
>52 men get a 6 figure bonus every year
Not really sure how that relates to teachers pay. Do you think schools have NFL money?

And often those do play just play absurdly bad as well.

It's the same in what You call soccer.

You'd think the people who ruin generations of intelligent people and turn them into retarded slaves would be paid more

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Dog walkers should earn more.

And fined

Dont be a teacher. Be a nigger and play ball. Simple as.

NFL Superbowl players are not getting paycheck for making every generation dumber than previous one.
Teachers need to have a trial as well.

Is this the popular opinion as to why they arent paid so well?

Why not?

How many teachers are there?
How many NFL players make it to the super bowl?

on the money. They deserve being fired and ostracized for being brainwashing tools of the government

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Imagine being a teacher and having no concept of incentives. That being said, football is gay.

almost every teaching profession is done by the lowest ranking turn outs in their field, they failed to advance their careers. they don't even create the curriculum that they'll be teaching, they just read books & grade scores. and when i was a child I knew teachers were fucking society's drop outs.

The median income is like ~35k so these cunts should stop complaining.

Are you a bot? My post is pretty clear.

What's 2/4(19-7/8)+2

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No this is the reasonable person's cope. Leftists blame the government for not giving them enough money but in truth its working just as intended. Making everyone as stupid and servile as possible.

Yup, teachers are dangerously overpaid.

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Guess we should start selling tickets for people to watch small children in class, and give a cut of the profits to the teachers. What could go wrong?

by miserable dyke cat moms who hate their job and life so they take it out on the kids*

if teachers weren't busy fucking the students and bitching about masks and producing students who can't even read, I'd be bummed about this. As it stands, almost no other group has lost more credibility in the last two years than fucking teachers.

Funny enough the best teacher I ever had was in his 30s and went on to found his own school for troubled wiggers or some shit. Point is- he was clearly top tier and eventually moved up.

Neither do football players

how many teachers are there?

If America had

Athletes make their league and teams a lot of money. Like billions and billions of dollars a year. Why shouldn't they share in the profits? I hate when people bring this up. People watch sports because they are the best athletes in the world. That's why there is so much money involved.
Teachers are not as poorly paid as they like to bitch about. It's a stereotype that those roasties like to perpetuate to make people feel sorry for them.

A career in sports lasts about 8 years if you don't get crippled first. Teachers just take 20 more years to make the same amount of money. There's no winners.

Fuck "teachers".

>The economics of supply and demand is something that a teacher could explain to you.
Don't count on it

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But did everyone finish school properly, no. But apparently every motherfucker in America is going to stop whatever they're doing once a year to watch the Superbowl so thus more demand.

Public school teachers deserve less than minimum wage. They are absolutely worthless.

Become a football player then

>Based on performance.
So you agree that the pay should change.
And I assume you agree niggers aren't worth millions of dollars.

niggers should not be paid, they should be taxed at 109% their income and jews 110%

You should be a lot more critical of teachers. It has been known for several decades that any schooling beyond learning to read and arithmetic is *at best* pure waste for most people. Almost all teachers provide negative value and the world would be better without them.

I ignored it

That's one way of saying I don't know anything about businesses or wages. The superbowl generates hundreds of millions in ad revenue, and the winning team typically sells more merchandise and next season more people will attend their games. This means the team (a business) wants to win to make more money, and so insentivises their players to win. A teacher needs practically no qualifications, reads off of an outdated 90s era textbook, politcally lies to your kid, and will always be an expense that doesn't generate revenue. There's also millions of teachers so their wages won't be competitive.

Why didnt they just choose to be NFL players instead of teachers?

US schooling is designed to create a labor force worker who hopefully won't get themselves killed on the job.

Teachers and nfl players are wasteful to society, jews ITT want us to choose between the two, however both are jewish nigger jew abominations that are draining wealth away to useless kikes.

Name a teacher that gets 100 million viewers and brings in billions worth of ad revenue.

If teachers weren't propagandists for the state and by extension the tax-exempt foundations and think tanks that really run this country, then this retard might have had something resembling the point that he tried to make.

from the perspective of the teachers the real pay is on bullying the kids
you saying we should pay them more money on top of that?

[Reply Quote]361301312
This is kinda what I was saying, you'd think they would make more for indoctrinating people


Public education has been the biggest single factor in the decile of Western Civilization. Parents should raise their children, not the state.

Maybe, but then there is the problem of lower IQ = more kids on average.

NFL Team
>sells hundreds of thousands of tickets every weekend for a third of the year
>hundreds of thousands of fans buy overpriced consumables during this time
>generate massive revenue through ad sales thanks to gigantic viewership
>millions of products sold (shirts, jerseys, bags, hats, watches, etc.)
Oh gosh, oh gee, let me put my big brain on to figure out why they might be paid so much

Just make your own Super Bowl.

You are the one who props those niggers up, sweet cheeks.

Teachers make too much. Especially considering how often they indoctrinate our children into communist and anti-white beliefs.

it has always been baffling to see redditors tirelessly defend 9 figure net worth entertainers and athletes against claims of them being overpaid but complain about an f500 ceo barely being paid 8 figures

It’s just further proof that there is no political solution

Meh, I got a buddy who teaches and is damn good at his job. He will also be the first to tell you that parents do not give a shit if Tyrone is failing, the school won't let Tyrone fail, and having to slow and dumb shit down for Tyrone wrecks every other students ability to learn for nothing because from Kindergarten to Graduation (if Tyrone doesn't drop out) Tyrone will never try and just act like a God damn monkey for 13 years. He wants to teach, he loves it when he gets a Tyrone free class so they can get work done, he donates a lot of free time for after school stuff to encourage kids. But his hands are tied because the schools center everything around Tyrone who will probably never even learn to read.

Playing nigger ball shouldn't be a paid job at all.

The nfl also generates revenue. middle aged cat lady teachers do not.

And locked up and shot

I agree, we should end public schools and make them businesses so the teachers should get paid more. But you fucking retards call me a white supremacist incel chud for being a libertarian and wanting the government to GTFO of everything

When people talk like this it’s almost like they’re imagining that there are a few central planners in charge of the treasury, and they get to allocate and dole out money however they see fit. “Why are the heckin treasury-controllers paying NBA players millions, and only paying WNBA players tens of thousands?”
Or “why are the heckin Treasury Controllers, the central planners at the top, allocating so much income to super bowl players and not allocating a comparable sum to our heckin teachers?? There is something wrong with our country!! Our heckin central planners are not allocating resources correctly!!!”
It’s absurd how they think like this. As if there’s one big sum to be doled out based on how much salary people deserve. Did Marx really fry zoomer’s brains this much with the “to each according to his need” shtick? They don’t realize that careers bring in their own money, and the more profit a career makes, the more it’s people earns. It’s not well-wishing that makes a salary high. It’s not intensity of labour that makes something more profitable. It’s simply profit. It’s not a moral failing of the country that teachers are paid with tax dollars.

If you think playing nigger ball is a job, and educating children isn't then you're everything wrong with the world.

Even if you home schooled, your curriculum was developed by a teacher.

are we implying that NFL players bonus' are taxpayer funded?

Teachers UNIONS effectively locked in a salary from 1980.

>INCORRECT. Too many teachers do a poor job. Pay should be based on performance. Also, teachers that push a political narrative on students should be fired.
INCORRECT. Teachers are almost entirely ineffectual no matter the "quality" of their teaching. Smart kids learn, dumb kids don't, regardless of who is teaching.

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in the south, nigger communities look at it like the lottery.
>Tyrone gon' git gud at sportz and get paid.
>oh lawd my baby done got drafted, we rich nao

Boomer retarded detected.

They should.

So long as schools exist to churn out activism-consumer units, they are less valuable than niggerball players. Niggerball has no value. Activism-consumer units have negative value.

No. I know for a fact they were making mid-30k in the late 90s and early 2000s.

Problem is. If it's based off performance, how do you measure that? Testing? That results in teachers teaching kids how to take and pass tests.

>Pay teachers on performance
Sure, how many teachers would work in poor areas, and what about special education?

Your retarded premise is that all kids are the same.

Public teacher's salary should be $0. Nothing has done more damage faster than public education. Fuck teachers. Fuck you.

More people buy sports t shirts and items. American educational system is broken for a reason, the teachers teaching.
Need some muscle over here

Show some shining examples of countries with private only education that are world powers.

Why should globohomo activists forcing propaganda on impressionable youths be paid gangbusters to do so?

Well said user

Update your firmware, retard. This hasn't been the case for 50 years. School now is to meant to produce an ineffectual moron who want be a threat to the system, and will confusedly blunder around life instead, aimless.

The stadiums they play in are tax payer funded.

Teachers are not needed. Its impossible to have this conversation with normies. My grandpa dropped out of school in 7th grade to be a farmer. Farmed his whole life. Didn't need to know any of the bullshit they taught him. It all depends what you want to do and where you go in life. But I would say 30% of public k-12 education and any non-stem major 70% of college education I received was unneeded. What was needed was a school of hard knocks, a swift kick in the ass, getting told to figure shit the fuck out, and learning my trade. Everything else was bullshit

t. user who yet again hasn't used SIN COS or TAN in everyday life.

50 players * 150k = 3.5m * 150k in public school teacher land.