National Socialism is retarded and will never regain its poplualrity


Because socialism is retarded. I don't give a flying fuck about the "collective" or some "higher ideal". Get the fuck off my property and get your hand off my stack of cash before I shoot your niggerass hand off.

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You are a fucking retard

National Socialism could never work here, simply because you need a unified people in order for it to work. The U.S "melting pot" was put in place so it could never have a unified people.


germans are peabrained faggots who love globalism and socialism.

National socialism is kind of what the American left is proposing right now

He's right though. Leftoid/rightoid idgaf, get the fuck off my property, don't tell me what the fuck to do or how to live my life, stop stealing from me or I'll blow your god damned head off your fucking shoulders motherfucker.

>be low IQ moron
>associate national socialism with Marxist socialism because retard

>I don’t care about the collective
Because you’re a mentally retarded self centred cuck with shit for brains

>Because socialism is retarded
I hate Americans so fucking much.

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Low IQ retard shit. There’s no such thing as a rightoid, you’re just a moron with a low IQ

Good luck fighting to safe your property without group cohesion that's how the Jew will take everything you own and nothing will be left btw did you all not read Hitler and his explanation of the term socialism in national socialism?

No it isn’t

>threatening violence on the internet
Does that ever work?

Based redneck.

And you collective are lazy faggots suckling the fat from the fruits of our individualist labors. Kys useless eater, better yet keep getting vaxed aboosted. Faucie and gates are right to cull you.

Do you plan to shoot us with the weapon you built yourself?

Because it won't work in a heterogeneous society. There's no recovering from mongrelization.

yo that's so true! what if we like.... what if we created a new conservatism? like we're ACTUALLY socialists but we only favor white people, and we're nationalists for sure, but like, we just CALL ourselves "conservative?" some kind of "neo" "conservative" movement

>he doesn't understand guerilla and asymmetrical warfare
>what is shoot and scoot
>what is H.E.
>what is booby traps
>what is gray man
>what is sabotage
Never underestimate a motivated concerned citizen.

How old are your children?

The collective will always beat the lone wolf. That's why cuckservatives are powerless against their country being overrun by darkies and kikes.
Take your estrogen and shut up!

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A jew can’t do shit in the country without the goys help. Ask the Bundy’s.

>he thinks children are incapable of warfare

>The collective
spoken like a true commie faggot

What? Are you some inbred midwest, meth user? I didn't say children weren't capable of warfare. Go to bed, you fucking tweaker, you've been up for 72 hours.

>Gooooyeeeem!!! Don't you dare choose non-talmudic goverments!!!

Then why is it growing in popularity?


This board is an international social and political movement for traditionalist authoritarian fascistic ethnonationalism. Why are you even on here if you don’t support our agenda? Race traitors like you will be gassed alongside the kikes, niggers, trannies, and Democrats.

He will send his niggers thirsty for white blood

Non-cucked white people can be easily unified you stupid pussy. ESPECIALLY with the every increasingly bold and obvious anti-white agenda being pushed.

You are a defeatist crybaby.

I already know your talking point, you believe children and wives to be a burden instead of trained assets in a war time scenario.

LARPing as a national socialist is like LARPing as a Menshevik. It makes no sense outside of an interwar German context. When you get down to brass tacks on what they believe they're just socialists that don't want tranny bathrooms.

90% or more of all Nazi threads are posted on Any Forums are by Russian agitators hinding behind Western vpns.

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You losers are so fucking dumb. I was going to ask to see what you were getting them for Christmas/birthday. As in, what gun are you going to get them for shooting. You've answered my question though. You're a virgin loser.

>I don't give a flying fuck about the "collective" or some "higher ideal".
We know you don't, wigger peasant. That's why you'll be getting neo-feudalism instead. Enjoy being property of your local CEO, or don't. It doesn't matter.

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