You do realize

most of you would have been gassed by the nazis right?

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Another good thing America has taken from me

no, I would be doing the gassing.

gas is expensive.
it would be bricks and fists

Good, I don't want lice.

I would just kick open the wooden door and make a run for it

>gassed by the nazis

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Just hold your breath

Many of the Nazis would have been gassed by the Nazis. What is your point.

Son i would gladly crawl into the ovens on my own.

not me

You mean for typhus?

I would just walk backwards to confuse the guards then do a 360 and get out.

>implying nazis gassed ppl

is this for the benefit of your fellow shills, 1pbtid? I'm pretty sure you all know you made that up

first of all there were no homicidal gas chambers in any of the camps in ww2. none. zero. zilch.
second, germany jjust came back from surviving the nightmare of the weimar republic and everyone was psychologically, socially, and even physically damaged from it. The compassion for our race is what made them a world powerhouse in under a decade, the marvel of the modern world including the united states.
so no, even if the low iq hoak that you fell for was real, even a little bit, and it wasnt, you'd still be wrong.

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you can't gas me with wooden doors

i weigh a lot so they probably would have had to use the roller coaster leading to a giant industrial oven or the live bear or one of the masturbation machines. I dont think the gas would have done it on me.

what is ww1 noob

I would have been one of Hitler's top soldiers

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Actually I would have been masturbated to death by your mother

We're not imaginary, user.

I would survive 8 times, be transfered to another death camp, personally meet Mengele, seduce all of the female guards, and give birth in the gas chamber before finally succumbing to the masturbation machines.


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>White as the driven snow
>Blonde hair
>Blue eyes
>Trained in hard science
I wouldn't have anything to worry about.

human nature never change

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my grandma was literally in the hitler youth for girls
try again

Sage all fields

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I am not a jew, a traitor, a homosexual, or a gypsy, so why would I be gassed?

My gradma was gassed by the zionists, you know...