Ukrainians are not Russian!

We are a proud and noble race

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ok bozgor

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I can't tell the difference
Pic unrelated

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ukraine lokey zeeky fr fr

X to doubt

Ukrainians are the only real russians
it's why the (((bolsheviks))) tried so hard to genocide you under stalin

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So how long til you fully confess to their existence?

Ukraien is lenin's creation. Youa re not a separate nation, you've just latched on to on identity to cope with the fact that you are living in shadows of far more succsesful neighbors

we know, that's why they're just going to be taking back to russian parts.
glad you understand sweatie

russian + pig = ukranian

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Ukrainians are either Polish-Lithuanian or Russian. There is no such thing as a Ukrainian. It is why your country is so shit. Countries made whole cloth at the end of WW1 ignoring all ethnic groups are always shit.

russian + who = finn?

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Quite so.

«Ukrainians are Aryans and with Germanic blood (...)» — Wilhelm Keitel, chief of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht

Bundesarchiv, RW 4/254, p.168

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No you don’t understand, if you want me to care about your country; you have to draw the chan fully naked. I’ll give you 1 more try.

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Finns are the only true russians TURAN PRIDE WORLDWIDE

Genghis Khan


Yeah of course

I don't think there was a deliberate genocide of ukrainians. Everyone in USSR except jewish banditry was starving during these years due to combination of poor management from party and natural reasons. Ukrainians simply bitched about it the loudest, and due to the fact that they happen to live closest to Europe on the land many wanted to grab, they were actually heard.

Correct. Ukrainian language started to emerge at the waning years of the Kievan Rus state, Ukrainian identity started diverging bigly from the undivided East Slavic identity for centuries under the polish lituanian commonwealth, and the Ukrainian idea (that of Ukrainians as a separate nation) started emerging during the cossack revolts against polish Lithuanian rule and attempts at freedom by playing both Pole-Lithuanians and Russians to be free of both, cementing fully during the era of nationalist revolutions in the XIXth century. Ukrainian borders were solidly set in the early 20th century and Ukraine was an independent state until it got conquered by soviets again for over a decade.
The 1926 Soviet census shows Ukrainians being a majority even in their eastern areas, like the Donbass (who was sparsely populated and contested for centuries, like the rest of their eastern and southern borders, ruled diversely by Turks, poles, etc, always with large ethnic diversity, and with cities Luhansk and Donetsk for example being created neither by Ukrainians or Poles, but by British industrialists.
If anything, pic related shows Ukraine as a more ethnically united and unified territory than Russia, which has aspects of an empire (which is what it actually is).
It was only Stalin's communist purges and starving of Ukrainians that made their numbers decrease in their eastern parts.
Being Anti-Ukraine is code for being pro-imperialism or a Stalin shill.
Ukraine is as Russian as the US is Mexican, and perhaps less, since Americans only moved people to their Mexican areas 100 years ago or so, while Ukrainians have been in their homeland for centuries.

Attached: Map_of_the_ethnic_groups_living_in_the_Soviet_Union.jpg (1280x898, 289.9K)

That's why they hate both.

where are my female refugees?

Russian = Finn