So Hillary Literally Hacked the White House and Nobody Gives a Fuck?

How can you have a functional country when somebody can commit a serious crime like that and absolutely nothing happens? It's not even mentioned in MSM except Daily Mail.

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only small thieves hang

I find it more concerning that Reddit thinks this is to distract from toiletgate.

Probably why cnn was quitting last week. They’re just using child porn as a cover

I supose nobody wants to die. The witch love unfortunate accidents.

Just like to point out that Georgia is the most troublesome state. It’s completely full of government spys and they’re building new buildings as we speek. Georgia tech should absolutely loose it’s license to be a college

Based and checked

why should it matter? the history of Hillary has always been one of no action taken for her wrong doings. she is untouchable. dems, reps both don't care to do anything about it. better to jail Jan 6th rebels then her.

>How can you have a functional country when somebody can commit a serious crime like that and absolutely nothing happens?
because the oligarchy doesn't prosecute itself

That means they know Biden is incriminated and there's proof. They're going to pass the buck and deflect and hope it goes away.

If they weren't worried she'd have been told to dismiss it as a baseless conspiracy theory invented by Trump to deflect from his crimes. They may get away with it but by God do they know they've been caught. When the advice is 'say nothing' that sets alarm bells ringing.

You’re acting like this isn’t wasn’t the case everywhere since the dawn of man
>those who can will
>those who can’t pick up the pieces

Speaking for myself and few close friends, we don't give a fuck because nothing will become of it. Kike Trump with the same script to stay revelant. If he is elected, and/or the cuckservatives win both houses, the best you will get is a dog and pony show that ends with an low on totem pole fall guy. Shitllery will not be even be grilled. "It's one Big club and we are not in it!" Bread circuses for the plebeians.

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Rules for thee, not for me.

The issue is that the crime would be espionage, and the sentence death.

They won't let that happen.

Laws don't really mean anything, they are just tools to control the masses

>how can you have a functional country
we dont.

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Yes, hillary is irrelevant.

Laws are only for goyim goy


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Didn't just spy - fabricated materials to frame a President for a crime so that they could impeach him. TREASON

Literally probably the highest crime that has ever taken place in the US and nothing will happen
Law is dead, it died many years ago though so this isn't new.

Who cares? They had probable cause. Nothing will happen.

Its all a farce

The Clintons have dirt on tons of reporters and most of the heads of media companies. Of course they're not going to report on it and get fucked over when the Clintons retaliate.