Broly Has Something To Say


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He has a trillion dollars but can't afford a comb

So, it's safer than being trans is what science proves here, yes?

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Sad no more monke

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Progress comes at a cost. Sometimes that cost is "manmade horrors beyond your comprehension".

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>he needs to take a college level class to know that hurting an animal is bad
liberals frighten me sometimes

>He has a trillion dollars but can't afford a comb
he doesnt lmao he has like 20 billions

"estimates" made by retarded american magazines of his wealth just extrapolate the values of the shares he has of tesla x the current market value, but they're virtual shares, he can't send them without ending up in jail, he is on the very lowest end of rich dudes, just a conman/salesperson

The brain is still magic when compared to even the highest manmade technology.

Each dentrite and axon in each of your nurons are executing machine learning algorithms at the speed of the vibration in atoms which is like 800 thousand clicks per second.


>only 20 billion
As opposed to you having only 20 dollars

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Sounds like Broly is a retarded nigger who doesn’t know anything about science or technology. Just like the faggot OP from twitter.

>only 20 billion
wow that nigga be collecting welfare

Which is why the interface between man/machine is too slow and needs help.

>how do you do fellow kids

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Tell them about Fauchi's dogs

oh no my heckin monkerinos

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So the monkey coomed itself to death?

Not once is a living creature harmed in my experiments t. a stemfag.

Ps elon muskrat is an engicuck

>noooo you cant just get heckin subsidies from the governmenterino like every other major company and then actually use them to succeed which is why we're talking about you and not other companies

if you arnt born with it no amount of stupid ethics classes will help

Would you rather he test it on people?
I don't want this tech to be implemented at all, but if we're talking about the general ethics of animal testing, you have to answer that question. The whole point is so we don't kill or damage people, who are traditionally, regarded as worth preserving more than a monkey. If you want to stop animal testing because of muh animulz then I expect you to volunteer to get lobotomized by Elon Musk.

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Why does that ape resemble people in the inner city?

Bad news. I checked your post for racism and found that there isn't enough

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here's you eyeballs goy

some of them get to exist for days (1000'S of years in their mind) to experience horrors beyond non chipped comprehension

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That's not how assets work retard. He can borrow against his shares without selling any.

And he's also sold tens of billions worth of shares last year. He is absurdly rich.

(and you'll pay for it)

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>noooooo NOOOOOO that's heckin socialism which I thought you guys heckerino said you were againstarino, you are not allowed to take money from the government that you pay taxes to

You don't need to take an "ethics class" in a liberal arts establishment to have compassion and empathy towards animals...


The problem with Neuralink is the fact that it almost look like they just smashed the electrode in the monkey skulls.
Like they didn’t even disinfect the electrodes which brought to infections and all

elon's horrific satanic experiments directly slap god in the face with a tranny penis and we will all be punished

elon has single handedly turned me from a right wing extremist to a left wing extremist

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