Medfags help. What are the political implications of sad lemon trees?

And how can we help them, politically speaking? I fucked it up. This guy was eight hours -7C°. Please help me.

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Cut the losses and make lemon tea

Will he survive? Can somebody estimate the frost damage?

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No gardening fags here?

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It'll perk right up, it just has a lot of dying to do first
You'll probably have like, half a plant left

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Oh damned, Ive read it takes several months.

Put it in the oven

Make sure it has plenty of resources to restart growing, there is likely some live left in that boy but its gonna be difficult.
Pretty much what happened is that the water in its cells froze and tore the cells apart from inside, so a lot of damage to repair.
I wish you the best of luck user, with enough attention I'm sure he will make it.
I hate the jews for doing this to us.

he ded bro, they arent made for that

Thank you very much. Fucking kikes and their climate bullshit I swear. Never trust a kike.

Medbull here, they're very sensible, you will not get it back. You fucked it 2 ways, cold and not enough sun.

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That means it’s working. Trust the science.

pot is too small. replant into larger pot.
with fruit trees, it's esp important to not plant it too deep.
soak the root system in Garret Juice before transplant.
lemons like to be misted several times a day.
get some floating row cover for future coldness.

Lemon trees in northern europe is a prime example of bad judgement, of the buyer or the gift giver and planned obsolence of the sellers.

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If you don't want it to freeze, dummy, make sure to cover him in salt if you're going to neglect him in winter.
Even better? Spray him with salty water, really salty water

I want to kms rn.

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Chicago Hardy Fig would be a better choice really.

Ha ha, get fucked dork. Should've bought a cactus like me, an enlightened individual.

It never gave fruit anyway. They told me austrians meds.

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Garret Juice:
1 ounce of each mixed into a gallon of water
Apple Cider Vinegar
Liquid Molasses
Fish and Seaweed liquid concentrate
Compost Tea
in this case I would first pour an entire 32 ounce bottle of h2o2 in there to oxygenate the root system. wait about an hour and then drench with full strength Garret Juice.
normal watering add one or 2 ounces of the Juice to a gallon of water.

If you want and hope for the 1% chance (doesn't look like it) then remove all the dead/dried leaves and dead branches. You will not have much afterwards but otherwise you will have absolutely 0% chance.

Those three corpses in the background better not be past attempts

Thats just chili. They wouldnt have survived anyway.

It looks worse on the pics than in reality, the most leaves doesnt look worse than before the incident.

I wonder why