
Why is the current "mood" "Russia pussied out" Do you Anons out there really want a massive world war that badly? I'm just curious. I think this was the best outcome. Putin not invading, the U.S not getting involved. All parties that matter walk away in peace. Isn't that good?

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'when' will the glow boys go to sleep im sick of russia war shills

>Do you Anons out there really want a massive world war that badly?
I don't but there's at least 25% on this shithole hatesite that want WW3 in a kind of way that a miserable person wants others to be miserable, too.

It's all shills you turbo newfag, damage control for all their hype that led to nothing the past two weeks.

>Why is the current "mood"
It isn't. Just shills spamming retardation and misinformation, as usual.

The current mood is whatever you want it to be, user

Same, I wasn't rooting for a war to happen. If it did it would of made less sense then WW1 well to me it would of.
I always pegged it as a doomsday death cult
this was my intiail thought, guess I just didn't want to think too much on it. It greatly angers me there are people who get paid to shill,.

nobody with a brain ever thought open war would break out in ukraine

Feds do post on Any Forums

They're all just trying to draw away attention from the recent Durham drop. Hillary committed treason, and as usual, the left grabs the megaphone l, screaming Russia Russia Russia.

That's what I thought. It's been ten years of constant "Russia invasion any minute"
Wish they'd hire me. I'd post here for a living instead of factory work haha

It's just another jew spin on a previous jew spin

Shilling is palpable.

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>" Do you Anons out there really want a massive world war that badly?
Yes so this clown world can end. I don't care if if I die as long as clown world ends.

He explained how to get hired somewhere in that thread.

I don't want war ever again until Jesus returns or heat death in case it has to go like that.

Time to add Ukraine to the filter list
It'll be a nce day when we can finally shut their fucking mouths

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It the one thing feds and kikes get to do besides posting misc slide threads and entering other threads to shitpost and sow discord. Every fed and kike that gets paid to post here is a loser so any small or perceived victory means a lot to them even if in reality it is literally nothing.

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nice pic. saved

Being this new. Everyone here hates this clownworld the jews have created.

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>Anime thot thread post
>"Why is x y?" Slide format post
Snitchin on OP and no one can stop me

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What I like about Any Forums is that we have ids and you can just navigate and read the entire activity of a user in a thread in moments if you use 4chanx, even hide that ID entirely in case he's retarded.

You can even hide meme flags and considerable amount of shitposting goes away. I'd say at least the overwhelming majority of sliding comments and troll posts go away.

I think I'm okay with being this new, I hate the clownworld only because of the kikes, but I do love the world and think we should try to get rid of the parasites that are causing it before we have no choice but nuclear fire.

That's fine, It's a real post with a legit question, even if its a newfag tier question.

Yeah, a couple people use memeflags to show their ideology so they don't have to explain every post but feds and jews too dumb to use an IP fucking love them for obvious reasons.
I miss the JIDF memeflag