If you’re not a feminist, you’re not a real man

If you’re not a feminist, you’re not a real man.

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I'm all about feminizing BITCHES back into the kitchen

Slide thread.
Focus on the bank run/Trudeau is fucked threads- not the distractions anons.
We can do great things here if we ignore the distractions.

Incorrect, little lady. I can do whatever I was cuz muscles.

>witch hunts were just misogyny
I've never really understood this meme. Are they saying there never were witches, i.e. women who practiced witchcraft?
>inb4 muh magic ain't real
So? It doesn't stop people from believing in it.

I'm a man and consider myself a feminist. I have a wife, I have two daughters and a son, a well paying job, and I own my own house and car.
How can you possibly say I am not a real man based on my political/social beliefs?

>the witch hunts were the patriarchy
>I'm a witch btw and a Gemini


Do they know not only women were affected by witch hunts?

But both men and women were persecuted in the witch hunts....

If you don't suck my penis and smile, you're not a real woman.

This. We need more witch hunts. Someone post the smug pepe burning the seething witch.


We're active

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>Sexually assaulted
remember fellas it's only SA if you do it and they don't want it
they initiate sexual contact all the time lul
this bitch probably got diddled, liked it, got run through the therapy ringer through her teens and has come out with rigidly indoctrinated feminist beliefs
The best part is the kid doesn't even have to actually be molested, the parents just have to take them to the therapist and the magic begins from session 1!

Witch hunt. Ie lying about witness accounts to demonize and convict in the public eye without a fair trial..
Toxic feminists.. cherrypicking amd gaslighting everything in order to express hatred for men.

The Fembots truly have reached their potential as Witches, putting spells on males in collaboration with the Psychotronic units.

Giles corey would like a fucking word with you dumbass


No, you don't get to use a Historic term in which Imperial Japanese troops murdered and destroyed an entire city as a description of what happened when you dressed up like a whore and partied with a bunch of random scumbags you don't even know.

This shit has to be bait. all fields

Pretty sure I’ve not sexually assaulted any women since yesterday

They're historically illiterate.

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>2 daughters

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and they can't actually "create" or "define themselves independently"

They are pre-possessed by that which was created.

>I've never really understood this meme. Are they saying there never were witches, i.e. women who practiced witchcraft?
pretty much. it was mostly used as a way to seize property. people convicted of witchcraft had their property seized by the state and auctioned off, so the accusers were usually people looking to acquire land and the local government would go along with it because they got the cash from auctioning it off.
where their argument breaks down, though, is that the people being accused were often men. witchcraft was kind of used as a gender neutral term at the time. a man could be accused of witchcraft just as often as a woman. the main defining trait among people being accused was that they had no children(thus having no heirs to their property that would protest the trial and land seizure). and, funnily enough, the accusers and the people who got caught up in the hysteria required for the sham to work were mostly women. So the witch trials were, in essence, opportunistic women having childless men and women killed to acquire cheap land with the government acting as a willing accomplice to make a quick buck from the auctions.

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>If you’re not a sex offender, you’re not a real man

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>I'm a man and consider myself a feminist
All male feminists are sex offenders.

>how can you say I'm not a real man
because your constitution is defined by what women own (i.e. you)

You may be "real", but you're still weak.