Honest question. How do I quit soda

The soda jew has got me in a vicegrip.
How do I unironically curb it? All the alternatives like diet shit are gross and just more unhealthy, and sparkling water or alternative carbonated drinks are nasty to me as well
I do drink a lot of water and eat healthy but I'm still fairly overweight literally just because of soda. I'm sure a lot of other anons have this issue and need the advice as well
>inb4 just stop
I can't. I'm addicted. To the sugar and caffeine.

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You deserve to be fucking banned from this board, for 3 days. After your 3 days come back with something decent to say.

I am looking for advice nigger. Any Forums is shit tonight anyway. I and many others are fucked up with addiction to sugary poison and need help

Put poison in your next soda … problem solved

I found it easy. Do like a 2 week no sugar diet borderline starvation diet only drinking water. A coke will taste like poison after that. But if you eat greasy burger ir pizza with it or just follow it up with another, you're hooked again.

I switched to making pitchers of green tea and keeping it in the fridge. No sugar green tea, it gives the water a nice flavor to drink all day.

Picrel between your eyes is the only way user
Stop making shit threads

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Just drink water instead don't you have any willpower?

I used to drink a jumbo cup of sweet tea every day. I started only getting them every other day then every 3rd day and weaned myself off.
I drink water, coffee and tea (hot and cold - if cold unsweetened).
I seldom drink soda so it tastes funny and too sugary now when I do try to drink it. And I've never like diet sodas.
Don't go cold turkey. Just start limiting yourself slowly.

Hey OP, switch to soda water and sweeten it with flavoured syrups. Then gradually reduce the concentration of syrup. Sugar is a hell of a drug, and the insunlin spikes are hurting your body.
Stay strong. You are addicted to sugar, but you decide what you put in your body.

Start making your own fruit juices at home, none of the processed juices crap. You'll wean off soda in 20-25 days.

Tell me more about the diet user. I genuinely will try
I've had green tea before. Pretty good
I do drink water but i also drink a lot of soda. I piss 5-10 times a day and it's usually clear or slightly yellow

This is gonna sound stupid, but this is how I quit. I realized it was the sugar I was addicted to, so whenever I started getting shakey and shit I'd have one cookie. Just one though. It took like a week but finally stopped and I basically never drink soda anymore. Lost a lot of weight too. Corn syrup is a chemical weapon.

Tell the board how this is political, now!

Just cut down. I decided to only have one a day and count calories and lost 10lb, still have more to go. If you're really having problems with that just slowly ween yourself down to one or none.
Also, carbonated water like Topo Chico, Ice Mountain Carbonated, or even a store brand carbonated water with some Mio Energy helps with caffine cravings and tastes better than any diet sodas.

I drink half a cup of fruit juice with half a cup of sparkling water. Mostly grape juice with a splash of orange juice. Damn good when I was fat I lowered it to 1/4 juice. But I'm not fat anymore, and half juice is more than good enough. I find full juice actually too sweet now.

Only drink water. Eat like boiled or grilled chicken with a salad or veggies and only eat when you're absolutely starving. A piece of celery will be bursting with flavor. Soda will be like straight acid and you will wonder why you ever drank it..

I will focus on weaning off soda.
What kinds of syrups?
Hey it's not stupid if it works. Thanks for the advice user. Genuinely am trying to better myself. Im so tired of not being able to sleep because I literally am craving sugary drinks like it's crack and the caffeine keeping me up all night.

The sugar in soda is making people addicted and fat. Which is making the jews have more control over us because we're fat and addicted to their poison and the government refuses to ban it or legislate anything

I will look into those. Thanks. Stay strong.
Noted. I will give it a shot.

OHH NOW I GET IT JUST INDULGEIN SOME CASUAL ANTI SEMITISM WILL WE?!?! . And how the HELL do Jew's have to do with politics?

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Don’t change your diet but stop drinking soda fucking retard . Doesn’t the syrup and the sugar bother your teeth and mouth? It’s nasty as fucking shit. You’re prolly some smelly fat onions fuck