Why is Freeland so twitchy bros?

Does she have something to hide?

Attached: Freeland.jpg (1373x1080, 160.95K)

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thats some 2012 MK Ultra youtube clip level twitching

the vaccine was injected in the lower spine

Two sign language interpreters? Hahahaha

she's having an anxiety attack. she knows what is coming and it's not good.

Wasn't her dad a nazi?

yeah probably if only there was something actually coming to dump.

Probably an effect from a combination of fatigue and whatever cocktail of speed and antidepressants she's taking.

>no webm
Go back and stop giving jewtube clicks faggot

She’s a tweaker and a twerker

She cumming from massive tip bombs

Probably an effect from a combination of fatigue and whatever cocktail of poison referenced here

If dubz she dies

i'd like to know how canadians got cucked by a cuck. he's a gayer version of barak obama and george bush.

Attached: 1640562388163.jpg (1280x1280, 219.91K)

Stereo for deaf people

Maternal grandfather was a nazi collaborator. It often skips a generation.

one for each gender

diarreah incoming

>sign language interpreters
TV has closed captions
There is no need for this.
These only exist to distract you. Literally people waving their arms to keep you from tracking words and associating them with individuals.

Extra incantations to hypnotise the sheeple. It cannot be because of the few dozen illiterate deaf Canadians

i've been thinking the same thing. it's a kind of witchcraft, in fact most of the time it looks made up. i hate sign language like nothing else, it's literally interpretive dance.

Quebec French sign language and English sign language
no, I'm not kidding