Trudeau is going to start killing truckers isn't he

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that dude has to be one of the biggest soft face pussies in politics

progressive highway slowdown
two weeks -3mph/-5kph
four weeks -6mph/-10kph
six weeks -9mph/-15kph

Nah. The sniper on the roof will misfire by accident

If you kill your enemies, you win

Not truckers. Anyone who is anti-government. This is how they bring in the NWO without the NPC's getting mad.

Have you ever watched the guy? Listened to him speak in official ways?
Theres something really wrong with that guy

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Probably. Like most leftist assholes, if he can't cheat and win the game, he'll flip the board over.

To be completely honest nothing would be a greater boon for us, politically. Actual Martyrs are very useful

He definitely seems like the type who would. What would be funnier is the reaction by right wing retards because you will see their legitimate weakness and fear during those moments. Even though they should have seen it coming.

Same thing happened in Germany during the Wiemar period. Same thing happened during the Bolshevik revolution. Same thing happened to those Poles in the end of WW2.

Fact is, being a stupid conservative who gets stabbed either makes you realize the danger you in and start taking this more seriously, or its the moment where you lose.

that's why he'll do it. he's a coward and that how they respond to situations like this

>Theres something really wrong with that guy
There sure is.
He's talking too slowly, too dreamily. He's not facing reality at all. If he can just keep saying the words, it's a small, evil minority that are protesting, it will be the truth.
He thinks he can tell people what the truth is.
This must be what they learn at the WEF.

Truckers are lucky that Trudeau is nothing like his father. Pierre would have already thrown them in gulags.

do you think anyone would do anything if he did?

Drive a semi into his home


>starves his own people to death

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Pierre is his father?

No, Fidel Castro is.

may be. fucking natalist scum must die.

Trudeau is going to kneel on the necks of the truckers

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