Even reddit is starting to wake up...comments section is gold

“] I recorded the race of all 433 actors in the 2022 Super Bowl commercials. Here's how they compare to the actual US population.”


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Get off pleddit you fucking faggot

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They do make ads with white male/colored female

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r/dataisbeautiful is having a racial awakening and it’s a good thing.

I'd be very curious to see this same graph, but with the inclusion of gender and couple pairings.

>It's just marketing
>They're just pandering to blacks
Great awakening faggot. Wake me up when they name the jew.

Also screen time would be interesting to see too. And location in shot. Celebrities versus non-celebrities--also were the white people actually jews? How was Larry David counted?

I saw a data post today get to the frontage about how people are having less sex over the last few years. and somebody pointed out how the amount of men had tripled since 2015 and the women's stat only went up 8%.

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Aren't these ads stock footage filmed in muttland and then the companies just use that?

There is a simple reason for this. Marketing is geared towards demographics that are mostly likely to buy things. You're thinking "well then they should have white people in commercials because white men buy things!" No other demographic can come anywhere even close to appraoching the economic power of women. Women are BY FAR the biggest movers of the economy. They simply don't save money, and just buy buy buy whatever they want. Easily manipulated by feelings, it's not hard to see why most commercials are the way that they are if you take a step back and think about it. They're trying to get WOMEN to spend money. Same shit for niggers, who are the only demographic that comes anywhere close to spending as much money as women, on stupid nigger shit mostly.

>muh Jewish cultural suibversion
It's literally just businesses marketing to people who are notoriously bad with and thus easily parted from their money. Blacks are not good with money. They have no ability to plan ahead or control impulses. Women are the same way. This is very easy to understand.

They're getting people used to all the niggers they're gonna import. First step is tv and music. And let's face it, started some time ago.

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I think it’s a combination of (1) Jewish propaganda codes black for cool, (2) ad companies wanting black people because they’re propagandized, and (3) young black Americans probably watching 2x the TV as white Americans

The regular people act like slaves therefore they ARE slaves. They are the ones who go along with all this.

would love to see that data anonymous

Yeah, that's great and all, but it's the kids I'm scared about. How do you think they're reacting to the propaganda?


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On the surface this all makes sense. But when you look at the OP pic, they’re doing the same thing in Scotland which is 96% white. So you’re saying that last 4% has that much purchasing power? I think you’re intentionally glossing over the real reason why this is happening.

The economy is global. Niggers in the USA buy things from Ireland.

The reason for ethnics being disproportionate in UK COVID adverts is because ethnics are not taking the jab and the adverts are directed at them more than the whites. Only for the COVID adverts though


Too faggot, didn’t read.

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Very very rarely they do