Which makes more sense?

That existence popped out of nothing or it has always existed?

As a kid, I remember asking my evangelical grandmother where god came from and she replied he as always existed. I found that response wanting and not reasonable at all considering all things must have a beginning. Right? For the many years to follow, this quandary was irreconcilable until I tried DMT and I began to revisit the question.

>What is the natural state of reality?
Is it really that far fetched to consider, perhaps, pic related is the true sense of what is real? That reality is a highly complex, self-aware, error correcting algorithm which has always just simply, 'been there'? It never had a beginning because it just "is". It doesn't require a creator because "it just is" for reasons beyond our puny minds can comprehend.

Reality just popped out of no where from nothing. Where time manifested itself along with x,y,z dimensions in space. Where matter manifested itself from nothing so it can be put in x,y,z and time applied to it to make it all work.

I find the latter response morphing into an even more ridiculous assumption the more I think about the two side by side. If I had to pick one, I think I would have to consider the former.

I don't know but Grandmother may have been on to something.

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Buddhist cosmology says beginningless time.

But they don't believe in a creator if I'm not mistaken.

Always existed otherwise you end up with an infinite circular paradox, God created Universe, who created God, who created the person who made God and do this forevrer.

Since it is impossible that something comes from nothing, only the first explanation makes sense. The universe (more precisely, reality itself) always has existed and always will exist. "Beginning" and "end" are human constructs and do not necessarily apply to the fabric of reality.

Gives me hope. Not sure what for though. This ride never ends, does it?

Always existed.
We live on a rock, orbiting a star, being pulled toward an event horizon describing a spiral around a toroid.
All mass passes through a casimir effect in the centre of that toroid.
The toriod is eternally inflating and deflating.

>Since it is impossible that something comes from nothing
Say's who? our local Universe?
We humans have a primitive linear way of thinking and it's mostly based on observations of what we can see in our Universe. Who is to say that a multi-verse doesn't exist with different constants. Once you get into created out of nothing argument you end up also with an infinite creation paradox which is like saying the universe always existed.

>Say's who?

Relax sperg, its an axiom. An assumption.

time is an illusion user everything currently has always not existed exists and will cease to be. all at once.

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Oh you reminded me of something I saw where someone claimed to have figured it out. Patterns of numbers emerged from calculations. Can't remember much more.

In the cosmology it doesnt say the universe came from nothing, thats actually closer to genesis, there was nothing then god came along and pointed his finger and magic shot out of it and everything just started poofing into existence

Cosmological expansion is fairly well understood and has visible evidence to back it
The universe "inflated* from a state of *infinite* mass and density and where all 4 fundamental forces were one. However, the nature of the universe in this era is poorly understood. The farther back in the inflation you go, the closer you get to infinity and physics starts to break down

Remember though that cosmic inflation and the origin of the universe are different topics and one is understood more then the other

Kinda like how people mix evolution with the origin of life. Evolution is actually pretty well understood, but how geo chemistry becomes bio chemistry is still a mystery

Its one hell of a question.

The possibility of existence must have always existed? Is this a undeniable fact?

Perhaps nothing, the concept itself is actually a human construct. Wrapping your head around understanding the concept of nothing is just as hard as understaning the concept of infinite. People use the term nothing, very lightly and it's mostly due to the way we perceive things with our monkey brains.

Godtards are forced to make a special rule for their favorite floating faggot in the sky. He gets an exemption form their own watchmaker argument coz convenient.

consider the nature of "nothing."
for "nothing" to have ever been, it must first have been "something", before it was "nothing", right?
else, what is there for it to be "nothing" in relation to?

regardless, even "nothing" is a state of existence, and "nothing" must also have had a beginning.
or do "nothing" and "something" share a common thread in that they can potentially be as eternal as each other?

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>He gets an exemption
The exemption applies because the other option stretches credulity.

>supernatural being beyond all comprehension and laws of reality that he himself created
>God must have a beginning, he must be subject to the limitations of his creation
Do you even logic?

Quantum mechanics is proof higher dimensions exist.

The double slit experiment shows that conciousness impacts perceived reality.

Mainstream physics is kikery

They actually don't know it is infinite. It is only practically infinite, which is precisely a zero change from the universe we currently live in. The idea of a dot is also equally absurd as there is nothing outside of a universe and so it is still precisely that dot. I don't know why you are regurgitating such bullshit as if it is meaningful. They are non-explanations for people who don't ask the right questions or those lacking the judgment to discern answers.

Its just so unsatisfying.

The other option is that all gods are very obvious fiction

>for "nothing" to have ever been, it must first have been "something", before it was "nothing",

Well, zero is nothing.

Maybe the state 9f nothingness can only exist if something never exists?

Hermeticism explains it best imo by saying that time is a circle, not a line. We percieve IT as a line here because we are limited mortal flesh bag 3d critters. If time is a circle all gods and immortal beings are timeless and will always have existed, no matter if we are aware of them or not

Not when you strawman.

you miss the point, the last part is the most important bit.
consider the relation between "nothing" and "infinity"

>a made up kike theory is proof that something exists


Big bang is the biggest meme.

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The universe "popped out of nothing" because nothing is impossible, unsustainable, a perfect moment of creation. So in a sense, sure, "has always existed" is the same thing.

Let's say there's a .00000000001% that "nothing" can exist. Make that number 100000000 smaller.
It's likely that all iterations of all universes created would have already existed, collapsed, and returned to nothingness and we wouldn't even be here to talk about this. If "nothing" had even the smallest probability of "happening" it would've happened and we wouldn't be here.

That only consciousness is fundamental, consciousness is the computer.

Yes I get your point. You can't have "nothing" without "something". The outside of the universe for example. How can that exist if it doesn't exist? Yet as a concept, it does.

google "ground of being" if you're not already familiar

not nearly as big as 'yeah god created it all because yea, oh also ignore all the other gods, just this one i promise"

other way around. We are here talking because its possible. even if its 1 in 10000x100000x100000 chance of happening, its going to, and the sentient creatures in said universe will ask themselves how did it start and why are they there. And here we are.
You are assuming this is the first universe, its probably so fucking old and so many cycles our minds cant even grasp. a nano second that exploded with life in trillions of millenia, and here we are.

Ready for the next level. Time is an illusion everything is at always has been and always will be. And time is simply an illusion for us.

I believe that everything in our reality, existence as we know it, is under the rules of the physics of nature. God exists outside of our existence. This life is all about life and death and how that happens. I don't think that for the being that made this universe, it would be unreasonable to say that He is not under the law of nature, but because He made the law, He is above it. So He's probably always existed.

That's because it's fiction.
>god sits around literally forever in a black void
>one day says "derp! I better zap up a universe!"