White bros

White bros...

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By that logic I'm not responsible for slavery or historic violence on joggers

grifter implosion was he jew all along? answer: yes

I hate this grifting fake faggot so much. He is literally a fraud. He does not represent me and never will.



whats he say about tesla?

People taking credit for the great things other whites have done is a response of being made responsible for the bad things. You can't get mad at me for being proud of white accomplishments when on the other hand you're calling me a monster for being responsible for slavery.

I can't tell if he's legit retarded or just doing it for the attention.

Now the fucker is just quoting Justin Trudeau.
What a shit heel.

A implies B.

>it doesn't matter that Thomas Edison was White, in a White society, with White ideals, so it's perfectly fine for Whites to be ethnically replaced in all their countries
The logic doesn't follow. Being proud of history is evolutionarily inbuilt, so is racism.

I am not even remotely kidding motherfucker. Censor my words I will kill you in real life not a game faggot.



"Thomas Edison was white and so am I. Therefor, I should be respected for his accomplishments"

Is this a strawman? Can anyone give me an example of this occurring?

Every important person in history was White, and I am White.

Every shitskin in history did nothing, you are a shitskin.

It's just common liberal thought. The same liberal thought tells us we are not allowed a white nation just because the builders were white. This ignores the fact that every ancestor that came before you built this country with the intention their children would receive it. Not the children of peoples that did nothing to better their own country for their children.

I wonder if he can point to anyone who's actually said something like that? He's not sharing a quote of anyone, so chances are very low.
Correct, he's just creating a strawman to attack.

This goes both ways. Why would i give a shit if a white person bought some slaves from an african KANG 350 years ago.

Wait wait wait. So I am expected to take responsibility for my ancestors' sins but not to revel in their glories?

Can't believe nobody can tell what the Master Persuader is attempting here. He's hoping to provoke "racists" into dog-piling him so that he can earn victim sympathy points from leftists because he has become a total laughing stock among the right-wing conservatives he was previously attempting to pander to.

i invented the word nigger

Hilarious on black history month. A month of jerking off to peanut butter and an adulterous communist.

It's more like you should be respected for contributing to a nation that created people who made those accomplishments. However these days nations aren't homogeneous

I am an albino nigger and proud to be White. 1488 my brothers of Christendom

Yes, that's what vaguely right wing boomers all believe. Nobody gets credit or blame for anything race related.

you aren't

>All White people are all guilty for American slavery
>You can't take credit for ending slavery!

Racism literally doesn't exist why is this guy making words up?

Um... We Was Kangz?

Yes. you should only be judged on your own accomplishments are sins that you did

"We wuz..."

This. 100%
Either we get to take credit for our ancestors good and bad behavior (and the good vastly outweighs the bad);
Or no one gets to whine about racism or genocides or anything anymore. Its all fixed by the next generation

>blatant strawman
why does this nigger think he's intelligent?

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Are you brand new here?

I agree, we should do away with "history" months. All history is human history. All accomplishments are human accomplishments.

Fuck, he just destroyed Any Forums in one tweet. How do we recover from this?

Imagine being totally unable to spot a trend

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Blacks were used as slaves so therefore all whites are responsible.

>Whites can't be proud of their racial accomplishments
>meanwhile niggers we wuz kangs (even though Egypt was never niggers)

>"fbi crime statistics show that this group commits way more violent crime than this one"
>"oh so i suppose you just get credit for isaac newton then"

No, no, no.You get all the sins and none of the virtues.

This. Also, no white people ever use their race to make themselves feel accomplished. Not once has anyone ever said "Thomas Edison is white, so am I, there fore I'm entitled to his fame and respect". This is what niggers do. They're the ones coming out saying a black man invented the light bulb (which is a lie) and acting like they're all to be respected for it.

Why should I care about the opinions of a retard who thinks that when he's wrong, everyone else is accidentally right?

Pathological xenophile, the automatic disdain for your own culture/ethnicity and the worship of anything foreign, no matter if it's good or bad, it is worshipped by these demoralized brain dead zombies who have been trained from birth to hate themselves and love their enemies.


so no, you can't provide an example


WTF? I love white people now!

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So close mutt.
You can be proud and ashamed of what your ancestors have done. Scott Adams is clasping at straws ever since Shelly tore him a new asshole.

> Edison was white, so we must preserve the white race so we can have future geniuses like Edison.
Trust a boomer to have no concept of the future good.

No white person has ever said anything along these lines. This is the kind of shit niggers say.

Then what is black history month?

>screenshot of some retards Twatter verbal diarrhoea
>9747595947399 replies
>(pic related) ITT
When will you fucking faggots learn? All fields

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this guy is the king of retards and will never find an audience
i cant believe he prides himself in being a 'charming influencer'?

Scott Adams is making fun of black people who say "we wuz kings and shiiit"


>ever since Shelly tore him a new asshole
when did dilbert become such a hate-filled cuck?

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Gotta attack that strawman
Because they have no argument against any of our actual arguments

Every race is like this

If it existed and wasn't a strawman then our boy Dilbert would have just quoted the person saying it.

Well well, he finally made sense for once.
I actually don't have an answer to this.
But user has a valid point as well.

You’re correct but niggers don’t use logic so they don’t care about your logic.

It's pretty telling that he chose a white person for his example.

Black people taking credit for what their ancestors did is brave and powerful though

Yes you are, because you benefit from it directly today

My ancestors fled an actual holocaust a few hundred years ago but you dont hear us whining about it. Probably why I litterally got sick to my stomach at the beginning of this total and utter bullshit

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Actually, Scott, "racism in 2022" involves supporting the destruction of the white race exclusively.

>northern europe

chart doesnt even include sweden, norway or finland? Did some race mixing faggot retard make this or something?

Does it go the other way Scott: "My ancestors were oppressed, therefore whitey owes me?"

>niggers were slaves generations ago therefor i am due reperations
I like this idea op, when you arent a tital faggot

A lot of white people say things like that.

more and more whitenat lies

Wew lad got em

I'm confused, is he talking about black history month?

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I've been telling chuds on this site the same thing for years. They never have a rebuttal but autistic screeching

It's okay when niggers do it


>By that logic I'm not responsible for slavery or historic violence on joggers
Yes. That is logical.
Though reparations makes all sense considering you've benefited from it retroactively