Why are there no cartels in usa and europe?

Why are there no cartels in usa and europe?

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DEA is the cartel


We're run by a banking cartel
Drug cartels are intelligence operations

>Why are there no cartels
because we dont use that word to describe the domestic equivalent

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you must be a kid

It's called the mob you silverback deep jungle jet black nigger

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They're our Politicians. DC is full of them.

the elite that run our govt are the mafia

There's cartels in Europe. They're ran by Albanians.

Because we do t tolerate such low standards and evil to prevail. All corruption and filth that exists in our lands is elitist nonces, political corruption/chronyism or by foreigners. Organised crime is a shambles and everyone gets caught in the civilised world so no mafia type group grows large enough or lasts long enough to be actually powerful. Especially when half your gang are 13 years old and get knifed outside of chicken shops each weekend.

Mob terrorists cartles all same word for 1 identity someone who has power and against me

Because you can't even play your music loud without police knocking at your door. There is no room for outlaws in highly organized states like Germany.

look up how cocaine suddenly flooded into the united states in the 80s

How would you go about taking out the cartels?

>Why are there no cartels
Its called the government

they have, theyre just not called cartels

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this is nigger cope, it's your fault you're addicted to crack Tyrone

big corp took over their business.

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>why are there no cartels in usa
Are you... Mentally challenged

yes poor black niggers had the money and connections to ship tons and tons of coke across multiple borders all by themselves, this is how stupid you sound

>Why are there no cartels in usa and europe?
Mexican cartels having been selling meth as far into the US interior as rural Virginia as of a couple of years ago. Germany and the rest of Europe have Moroccan clans and Paki gangsters.

The mafia didn’t decapitate and eviscerate people and then leave their disemboweled corpses on plinths in the town square.

The most brutal thing that Capone’s mob ever did was the St Valentine’s Day Massacre, where they shot dead three goons from a rival family. That’s it. More people die in Chicago in one month in 2020+2, than Capone’s mob had killed in his entire 20+ year criminal career. Think about that. You were unironically safer during the height of the fucking mafia and prohibition than you are today


I used to hang out with cartel grunts a long time ago and they had contacts in Australia and the UK

What are Goverments?

it's funny because your cousins were probably the ones cultivating the coke back in the day kek

Because whites have enough impulse control and forethought to not just become instantly corrupt and easily bribed.

uncucked white people threaten jewish occupation

And they stuck to killing other mobsters

Because is a glow nigger shit, fuck why this roach-nigger-mutts from germanistan are so oblivious?

The first world already profits indirectly from cartels so they don't need to shit where they eat.

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Just take another hit Tyrone

we got arab clans
basically organised crime happens due to an asychronity
of markets, organisational capabillity of cohesive groups and law

Niggers don't need a lot of extra help to be niggers, but the CIA totally hooked them up with crack. You really ought to know better, being from Venezuela.

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el chapo are different actors each time they "capture him", in 2015 supposedly he escaped through a mile tunnel digged without making any noise and rubbish with, wait for it, acid.

he's coping over the fact that his family were coke slaves

Nigger cartels are literally worse than some terrorist groups

Because infiltration by 3 letter agencies and allowing the current ones to exist because of muh necessary evil. Illegal cartells will always exist, theres no point in fighting it, unless it is threatening an entire country, like, lets say, mexico. So they usually allow some structures to flourish and then quickly crack down on them. Kinda like trimming a beard regularly

They are, they are called Pfizer, big pharma, etc

the european union was built on a cartel thought what are you fucking talking about lol.
the opec (organization of the petroleum exporting countries) is a cartel
the german auto industry is basically a cartel
the list goes on and on and on.

Yeah, thats why there are lebanese clans controlling bremen and berlin.

We do have cartels operating in America. They don’t behave the way they do in Mexico because they can’t.

Cartels and cartel members often have green cards, citizenship, and family members in the US.

Which is why it’s bullshit to blame Latin American crime on the drug war because while it is definitely bad, the real issue is a lack of governance and rule of law.

Yes, they are. Why is everyone ITT a moron

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Aside from the EU and US government, you mean?

You've never heard of the MIC, user?

they will go into politics in two generations
if no permanent new immigration happens

basically if you can run organised crime
you can run the government that is how this works

Well of course they do. They have contacts in all their markets. The logistics of drug trafficking are incredibly complex and require people on the ground at all stages.

In The USA and Europe the organized crime is controlled by psychopathic Jews, and White homosexuals.

Most Jews don't know about the Jews involved with criminal networks, but much of the crime in USA and West Europe centers around the dark web.

There are multiple reports of missing persons who have been sold kn the dark web to perverts in the homosexual community.

There are criminal networks in the jewish community who have been abducting children and selling them to homosexuals.

I am a law-abiding citizen who supports the police. There are two legal maneuvers thata can stop this.

1. Outlaw homosexual marriage.
2. Outlaw Judaism.

If Judaism is made illegal, and Jews are given a choice to renounce judaism or migrate to Israel, this would solve the problem of criminal child trafficking in The USA.

I am a law abiding citizen who supports the police, I obey the laws. I love all people, I love the jewish people.

I am simply saying that Israel is the place for judaism, and that homosexuality should be illegal.

The crime problem is worse in The USA than Latin America.

the shortest truest answer for the cartel situation
is the monroe doctrine