US blocks avocado imports from Mexico

Say good bye Mexico.
Time for the blockages, bans and sanctions to start and the finished with a pin point strike.
Biden will not fuck around like trump.

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Millenialls on suicide watch

Mexico urges avocados to leave the US immediately.

Noooooooooo how am I supposed to get my avocado toasts now?

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cheaper aguacate for Us, leftist tears for you.
thank the narco.

Avocado toast is good and cheap. I know it’s a meme, but I like it.

Something tells me this is solely to weaken the farmers so that the cartels can regain lost power


Stop thinking with your head.

Cornpop it is zoomziggity

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Chilean avocados are cheaper and of better quality. Hass brand, known and appreciated all arownd the world. The only problem is they come with swastika on the side... However our new elected communist government promised to work on the issue as soon as they have a brake in their busy schedule of pocketing Phizer hoax Corona virus vaccine money.
Don't get desperate, sit tight, you'll get your avocados!

These people deserve the blood clots.

Tits: Post em.

The spics made some threats to an inspector. There is only one state allowed to export them here antway. Their loss. Fucking animals.

agree, it's something nice to have with breakfast, but it's something you'd be retarded to buy from a restaurant.. costs like $.75 to make at home, $7.50 to buy from a restaurant

mexico blocks democrats if they're on the side of the people of the globe instead of the money jew

we should just go down and clear out those cartels at this point, fuck it. I hate us invasions, but thats about the one id support

Since when you, Burgers, acquired a taste for avocado? I bet you are eating it with your Barbecue souse, that tastes like tire burning contest with sugar))))

Looks like home ownership for Millennials is back on the menu, boys!

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