God complex?

What are the political implications of a guy going around, showing cripples to the public? Looking into his eyes give me the creeps. There's something seriously sinister going on in this guys brain.


Attached: KillerEyes.jpg (1362x1028, 238.34K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>hey guys look at this freak here
>1 million in revenue

Honest opinion, I think he does it for money because people give him sympathy clicks and feel obligated to watch. Its obviously awful what's going on with the kids he's "interviewing", but I do not think he's doing this from the goodness of his heart. At the same time though, I don't believe he's doing anything especially malicious aside from making money off of these people.

Attached: 796.jpg (625x626, 33.31K)

Ps he has a qt gf who purportedly has a handful of mental conditions

Oh, so he IS a sadistic fucker?

>Looking into his eyes give me the creeps
Certain intensely blue eyes make me nauseous. His eyes are one of them.

He is the modern day PT Barnum, putting genetically disfigured humans on display for the public's entertainment and emotional reaction in exchange for money.

“Gahhh sppflflllllthhh thhbbbbtttt”

he's doing a classic freak show for money

Attached: freakshow-featured.png (900x477, 656.24K)

He's a fucking maniac and a sociopath.

Wearing suspenders is based.

He loves money on a shallow level and has a sexual fetish for retards on a deeper level. He’s not to be trusted around children

it’s really weird, that i can tell you.

This one is ridiculously hot tho


1 tranny
1 beetlejuice
2 albino niggers
9-ish dwarves
1 wolfman
1 beard lady
1 man-with-hat (sword swallower?)
1 obama-tier witch doctor what the fuck is that thing between chubby bitch and beard woman??

this picture is scary now goodbye

And he gets to rape them after the camera is turned off because what are they gonna do to stop him. It must be like fucking a flaccid dog chew toy.

Don't knock the dudes hustle.
>Be attractive white man
>Meet with retarded girls
>Treat them with Kindness and Affection.
>Literally make their princess dreams come true for an afternoon.
>Get paid to do it.
>Win fucking Win.
>Everyone is fucking happy.
>Plus it gives dark humor types a good laugh.
>Add another Win to the Win, Win fucking Win category.
I fail to see the issue. If you don't like it, don't watch. But stop being a fucking retarded leftist crying about bullshit because it offends you. God damn, I fucking hate Zoomers.

Attached: 1641490125859.gif (300x364, 3.43M)

Yes it is

The man is doing something that none of you pimple-faced mouth-breathers could ever have the heart to do.

The fact that you are more infatuated with deluding probably one of the 10 actually genuine human beings on the face of this Earth instead of going after people who deserve it is just adding to the ever-growing mountain of evidence that his board is literally the place where myopic schizos congregate.

Seriously, the man is reading a book with a little girl who would be normally ostracized by trolls like all of you here, and giving her memories of someone enjoying her company and bringing light to her story.

The man has millions of subscribers. He's showing the world that these people are people that are just like everyone else and in doing so he's got scaly black-hearted husks of hate and bigotry like you come out of your basements.

It's this sort of shit that makes me hate this place.

How's the Durham report going?
How's the Canadian Convoy protests going?
How's Ukraine going?

"Who cares? Let's try and demonize a guy who is supporting the physically and mentally disabled.

You are all of you wholly skewed.


>being human

Fucking baltshit

I hope you're inebriated.

I agree, plus putting people with disability in the public eye and explaining how to approach them, what they can/can't do, might make some more likely to approach in real life and make those people's lives a little brighter.
I had such a vivid reaction to this video. Made me hate the gay agenda more than I thought possible. You have people born with severe, real disability, people others shun for reasons they literally had no influence on and your problem is people not approving of buttsex? Putting yourself in the same category like this child? Like you "had no choice"?
It makes me sick to my stomach.

Ok... New Thread.

Do you think they fucked?

>what the fuck is that thing between chubby bitch and beard woman??
which one is the beard woman?

>I don't believe he's doing anything especially malicious aside from making money off of these people.
Making money off of deformed children is literally the definition of malicious. This guy needs to be burned alive in a tiger cage by ISIS. He is a revolting human being and needs to be made an example of.

you're all going to call me a fag but my wife is pregnant and watching this video made me burst into tears. that poor child.

The sperg diagnosis is definitely accurate though. Everything about her behaviour is a fickle affectation. She's acts like a creature incapable of genuine emotion trying it's best to appear human and failing miserably. Cringe personified.

I cant get a read on this guy, but it would seem he isnt harming anyone.

>Looking into his eyes give me the creeps
yeah, cannibal vibes

I don't see it as "poor child". She has such a loving family willing to do anything for her. Even if she does end up ostracized, which I hope she won't, she'll always have them and hopefully have a wonderful life. She seems intelligent, so she will probably be able to fill an intellectual niche, like that guy with Bell's palsy.

>Alyssa's 5 Mental Health Disorders

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