Why can't some fags accept they are gay?

Picture is of Jeremy Fragrance, a homosexual in denial.
How can they be in such denial about their own sexuality when you basically know at a young age?
At least the majority of homos accept what they are at an early age.
The self-deniers are almost more annoying than the ragingly proud homos.

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That american alt right retard comes to mind

Gays in denial are sociopathic narcissists.

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I can tell you why: i am a closeted homo and i hate myself for it. I am ashamed of it and don't want to be gay, i wish was a straight. I got bullied and beaten by my father and classmates for being the way i am (sensitive, smart, handsome) and i never learned to accept and love myself. So...i pretend to be someone that i am not. Hope this answered your question.

Abusive father
Gay son
Many such cases

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Only gays can spot other gays.

Fuck you, nigger. Jeremy is based as shit.

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people can change

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I'm not talking about closested homos. They know they are gay.
Gays in denial think they are straight. Is it arrogance? Pride? Extreme narcissism?

Jeremy is probably bisexual at most

Guys like Jeremy and Milo are such sociopathic, egotistical narcissists that they think they can change their sexuality.
These are the worse kinds of people - extremely arrogant and homosexual.

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No gay is in denial. Deep down every gay knows he's gay. Some compensate this by being overtly homophobic. Whenever i see a raging homophobe, i always know he likes cocks.

Don't know anything about this guy but I'll say this, No they shouldn't.
"Hey bro just accept it"

No go fuck yourself. Just as bad as those people who want men to be gay to not hit on women.

Freemasonry. Masons are reared to be closet fags.


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End freemasonry


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Yes. Just like how I want to desperately fuck spiders, homophobes desperately want bussy.

Kike slide

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They are born that way.
There is a video on efukt that shows a gay man having sex with a woman or possibly two women. You can tell from his microexpressions that he's not attracted to them in the slightest (even though they are hot), and is just going through the motions of sex.
That video is a huge redpill if you doubted that homosexuality was real. Homosexuals are damned souls on earth.

Based my ass kek, I know this guy personally from my past as a dance instructor, this dude is the definition of a fuckin gay ass grifter.

who the fuck are you to say he is gay.

Do you know the one where gay dude touches latina-tit and then screeches?
One of the best clips on the internet desu.

Do you have any stories to tell about him?