Successs breeds jealousy

Successs breeds jealousy.

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Successs breeds

Breeding is success.

so trade war against us under biden.

You'll get a higher percentage change if you start as literal gutter chinks. West was already advanced in 1990 so less chance for high change values

Pretty much same rationale for Poland's success.

>Got lands gifted by Russians
>Got money gifted by Germans and Americans
>Unironically proud of it as if it was actual Polish achievment
Very delusional.

Breed a succ

Germany just pumped EU cash into your shithole because it was tired of having a cesspit in its backyard.

Pretty sure we're in top10 aswell.

Though the difference is that I don't see this as a win, we just play catch-up after likes destroyed this part of the continent and set us back 50 years. It's true we did not had massive industry compared to the west, but we began to have know how into how to make such an industry.

By the way you see the same tactic today when western globohomo powers demand usually third world countries to stop using fossil fuels to develop themselves.

Not going to happen because muh Russia muh nato

It's easier to build a house and become 8x more rich, than to build 10 houses to become 8x more rich.

Kikes not likes*

Filthy toilet cleaning leeches.

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>when western globohomo powers demand usually third world countries to stop using fossil fuels to develop themselves
Oil is the past and too useful to utilize as mere fuel. Go nuclear

Maybe Matt McCusker is onto something

Who really owns your country, polack? If poland is such a success, Why so many of you fly to UK to clean their toilets?

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>releasing a virus to cripple the world economy simultaneously makes your economy better
Wow really, I never would have guessed

Good job Poland.

not necessarily
a lot of research and development goes into building 1 house but once its done, your team will be able to easily build another one and so on and thats an advantage of economies of scale.

I agree more than you on nuclear. Besides France and we countries, very few nations realize the necessity of nuclear, look at the Germans if you want stupidity of a supposed literate nation when it comes to engineering and science.. But at the same time 6bn people in the world not in the western world are being demanded to stop using methods that we ourselves in the west used to develop ourselves.
We cannot be hypocritical and demand others such things when we're supposedly the beacon of freedom on the globe.


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