Aus/pol: late lunch edition

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There once was a janitor

who possessed a dilator.

He thought it was a neat trick

to amputate his own dick.

He killed himself soon after.

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>what does this mean lads
>page 4
>pic related

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See you in June.

why is every cunt talking about the jew jab giving aids? even the deboonkers have been deboonking it lately, which usually means its true.
Is 95% of austfalia gunna get the dreaded?

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The key to undermining western democracy is to undermining the education system. The philosophy of Plato and Socrates are the cornerstones of western democracy.

Socrates was a great critic of democracy, he didn't believe the average person to be well educated enough to cast a vote, but in true egalitarian fashion he believed that it was encumbent then on the society to educate these people in morals and ethics.

Plato's republic furthered this idea that every citizen should be philosophically minded by promoting public education and social programs like paying the poor to attended the theatre.

This focus on public education as the cornerstone of western democracy is supposed to create strong morals and ethics in the broader civilization, the idea of universal forms and man's struggle to achieve the perfection of the universal form thru continuous improvement of man's understanding of himself.

True philosophical morals and ethics, have been stripped from the education system and replaced with Marxist Lenninist "cultural relativism" the idea that morals and ethics are not absolute and relative to the situation a version of Sophistry heavily curated to social control.

The solution. Teach children morals and ethics again, develop young minds to question their own opinions constantly in the persuit of higher truth.

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NEET master race here, just woke up. Gonna have a few beers and call people niggers on omegle.

it means everyone has been fucking stupid and refused to read any of the "mandate" paperwork all across the country including but not limited to; normal civvies, military, police, everyone in the medical industry

Canadians are based and Australians are scum
that is all

How's it going in Aus, lads?
I've not slept a wink tonight and I'm starting a new job in two hours.

Why is Melbourne so hated by the other states?

makes me wonder about the jab they were developing in QLD and it was giving 'false positive' tests to HIV and got canned pretty quickly
how long does it take to die from AIDS?

Well I tell you what ladies and gentlemen, they did it to us, THEY FREAKING DID IT TO US. As predicted, new lab grown version of HIV spiked with COVID-19 has been released in the Netherlands as part of phase two of the globalist depopulation operation.

People know I don't just put out fear porn okay! This is really happening, they really did to us. I know it sounds insane, but they're really doing it us. On record, it's all confirmed now.

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it is important to note however, they have no power here, all of our laws are a meme they aren't actually real, everything is a lie and soon it will be exposed and the worlds religion will be known, you WILL repent

Why did I read this in AJ voice

Tell me something I don't know.

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We will be issued money, trials will begin, you will see mass arrests very soon, Pauline will be PM until King Riccardo liquidates the position 'Prime Minister'

is Nova mRNA

At this stage, King Riccardo is Prince Riccardo, this will be known once John's truth is known

Makes me wonder too mate. A lot of people I care about took the damn things. I don't care that they laughed at me and called me a fuckwit, they don't deserve fucking aids.
>how long does it take to die from AIDS?
The rest of your life.

Because it is Alex Jones.

Oh desu, I wish I had the kind of autism you have.

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No, the spike proteins are manufactured inside fucking MOTHS, and then they glued to a nano particle pretending to be the virus.

It doesnt make your body create the spikes, but you're still getting a thick load of MOTH MADE spikes into your blood, alongside this magic nano particle that does who knows what.

Because the average "person" from Melbourne is a yuppie faggot.

You lot still got tight lockdowns?
Fuck democracy.

Repent, and love Jesus. The Kingdom of The Faithful and True shall be known.

I take Dutch empires. While it should wok out like it should.

>How's it going in Aus, lads?
Alright, how bout you?
What's the new job?

What's with all the retard tourists and vpn posters as of late?

Reminder to filter your drinking water.
When you change the filter, back-flush it and see exactly what you would have drunk if you didn't have one.
Shit will be like the inside of a kettle.
>calcium deposits
>soluble chloride contamination
>heavy metal compounds

I'm not selling shit, buy a reverse osmosis filter from anywhere you like- I don't care.
Build your own if you are a sick cunt.

You can also use them to keep fish indoors, the jew fears the indoor fish keeper.
You can desalinate seawater, fitted to an in-line pump you could probably de-salinate seawater on a boat.
You can use them for hydroponic farming, if you want to grow tomatoes in your basement.
You can use them to purify water for applications you would normally buy de-ionized water.
You can use them to support machines that need water but would clog up with scale.

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Ask yourself, what is the name of the Queen that the constitution recognizes?

>Moth genetics

Yeah nananananana cunt.

thanks mate, I'm never gonna take it, I just wanna know more about em

>Speaking to real, how is Russia to take this country?