Is hatred for California poorfag cope? If I was rich, I don't know why I wouldn't live in LA

Is hatred for California poorfag cope? If I was rich, I don't know why I wouldn't live in LA

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niggers and spics is why you wouldnt want to live in la if you were rich

Is this a fren thread?

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califag here
there's solid reasons for the hatred beyond the envy, which I bet exists too

Rural Americans are really insecure about where they live and their culture. They're like the kid who didn't get invited to the party and then says he never wanted to go to a party anyway. Sure ya didn't....

Could be, just make sure the jannies don't see it

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Rural americans are watching their children become retards because or hollywood culture.

I live here nigga. It's a shit hole. Only thing is the weather and scenery. But I've never lived anywhere else. Cope and dilate and seethe tranny.

Imagine what a BBC would do to her.

I thought it was because the people are insufferable cock suckers that spread faggotry.

It's filled with mystery meat 56%ers and the politics are uniquely horrible even by American standards.
If I was uberwealthy I would build a citadel city-state in Colorado.

I want mutt's law posts to be a bannable offence.

Good. Fuck the jannies, they bannied me for making a fren thread. Spoiler: My ban is still not up. :)

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I drove out to Palm Springs recently and it’s fucking amazing how bad the smog is. Couldn’t see anything in the distance. Don’t know how you guys live like that.


Fren, I can think of a dozen better places to live if you were rich.

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>live in Los Angeles
have fun with all the homeless and the shitty Los Angeles DA who pushes out criminals from jail even if they physically harmed/ murdered people with weapons. If you move there, carry your ammo

>Is hatred for California poorfag cope
Oh gee dunno nigger.when a million $ can only afford a shitty 1000ft2 bungalow with the rest being expensive as shit.homeless, junkies and crackheads everywhere.spics and 3rd worlders everywhere. Litteral woke liberal and degenerate Sodom and Gomorrah hq. Outside the weather I could not see any reason to live in that shithole

It's true what they say about the weather. It really is lifechanging and you will never want to leave just because of it.

People who have never experienced California weather (which is literally scientifically the most perfect weather on the planet) will never understand.

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People used to mock religious families for not having a TV, nowadays people are seeing how not only hollywood only shows bad examples for people.

I can imagine. Living in Boston is miserable 3/4 of the year

That image is anti-racist.

My mate lives in SF he thinks it's the best place in the world. I think he's a greedy retard with no other source of esteem but cash.

I'm in a beach city. I can see downtown LA, the beach, the mountains, and pretty much all of the sounding cities from the hilltop. I live in the fag city long beach. We have a gay Republican-turned-Democrat mayor and a fag festival every year. And the LA Rams just won the super bowl so the fireworks are going off around me and dumbasses burning rubber in the streets.

Racism is dumb tho it's like saying all whites are carbon copies of each other

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Like most things, it's ignorance. Even as a richfag, California can be miserable at times, but it's better than most everywhere else that people levy hate at those who have little to no control over the California gov.

Majority of everyone in CA is poor so no. Its mostly flyover cope because their city isn't on the map.

It's fucking 90 in February. The whole "perfect weather" is a meme.

california hate comes exclusively because of LA/SF shit, which everyone in california outside of those areas hate as well

I live in the Midwest.

I went to San Diego once and it was fucking terrible. Hot, smelly, way too many fucking people, traffic, always need to just stash your car somewhere and walk and pay a hefty price for the privilege.

Not tempted at all. I was happy to get back to my confields.

Prop 13 + Prop 58 makes CA the most unequal state in the US. Pure neofeudal hell. Don't know how they can pretend to be "left wing" there. You have situations where boomers pay zero taxes and young people pay fuckloads and the schools are third world because they aren't funded properly from the boomers. 13% of your income for fucking what? CA is complete shit. When I was in SF it was Brazil tier.

That image is fake and gay. Apu is not that tall.

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Yep Cleveland is much better all around. Don't know how people put up with living in Cali

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