Wow, that halftime show sure was a spectacle anons. It really appealed to the around 13 percent of the nation

Wow, that halftime show sure was a spectacle anons. It really appealed to the around 13 percent of the nation.

Attached: negroidgathering.jpg (3200x1801, 728.76K)

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QRD. I don't watch sports because I'm not a nigger.

Halftime? More like threefifths-time.

There was a halftime show

Attached: 1644674500442.webm (640x360, 2.77M)


Believe it or not young niggers don't care about any of them.

Pretty sure this only appeals to black boomers at that

Nigger cattle.

>It really appealed to the around 13 percent of the nation

Mexicans have entered the chat
Hispanics have entered the chat
Mulattos have entered the chat
Most women have entered the chat

>picrel has no power here

Attached: 1612881414584.jpg (590x350, 34.31K)

lol they hate the chans

Attached: from-display-on-pol.jpg (728x440, 24.32K)

How can you call those uppity cool rappa's such a terrible thing. Theyz never do nuffin

Kendrick hasn't put any music out in like 5 years


unfortunately that shitskin show appealed to a lot more than 13%

Big if true

Football is gay.
Nobody forced you to watch niggerball.

Attached: file.png (680x383, 64.07K)

Dont forget to factor in all the single moms.

>pimped out glossy cgi-powered live show
>50000 people
>vapid chimping, cheering masses
Against the backdrop of WW3, economic collapse, convoys against open tyranny, this looks dystopian as fuck and deeply disturbing. Nothing says "it's over" like the hysterical show of the colors by a bankrupt, delusional civilization.

Correct it is over

>It really appealed to the around 13 percent of the nation.
And worse, Pepsi drinkers.

how are people still drinking soda in 2022