So Hillary was literally hacking White House computers, and nothing will happen?

Is there any crime she can't get away with?

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I would've loved to slam her pussy back in the day

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Nope. Nothing will happen

dude there was literally a russian agent in the white house. I'd say hacking his servers is perfectly acceptable, given the circumstances

Imagine thinking her pussy was anything but daddys political power piece

you faggots have no idea how powerless you actually are

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>Is there any crime she can't get away with?
nothing is illegal in stolen land

Is that the latest NPC download to explain this

Dare I say...

Nah they've said that for a while now. Just makes them shittier though.

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She gave false evidence that resulted in Trump's trial for Russian connections. All it takes now is someone - anyone - to bring the charge against her.

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She murdered America in its sleep with the help of media and tech. There is no law anymore. They have destroyed the social contract, our Constitution, and all laws that flow from it. There is only that which you impose upon others by force. Everything else is just a charade. If you think about this, you will realize that it is true. That is why one side gets away with anything, and there are no repercussions, because there is no real law anymore. Why one side is cruelly punished (use of force by agents pretending to be part of a government with intact contract) even if they are innocent. When this reality finally sinks through the thick skulls of a supermajority of the people on the right (who desperately want peace, law and order, etc., and don't want to face this reality), then the open violence and fighting that is necessary to bring about a new contract can commence.

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read this, then read it again. Then read it slowly. Sound out the words you don't know. it is the truth of your situation. The sooner you accept this, and get others like you to accept it, the sooner we can act to make things better. The longer it takes the lower the chance of a victory for liberty and justice, the more violence and suffering will be required.

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yeah no shit

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There are only liberals that know this, and people like you that don't want to face this reality. Liberals don't care, the only net result of your disbelief is to make the law a tool to use against you, it means nothing to them. Every day they get stronger, seize more power, destroy more of everything that was America. your refusal to believe this and compliance plays right into their hands.

Ahava is untouchable. You touch her we eat you.

thats molock's top U.S. bitch- ain't shit happ'nin ta dat hoe. ask this queer faggot