Are you for taxing the rich?

I think this is the only way to fix capitalism

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yes, wealth naturally concentrates over time so it's the job of the government to prevent that happening.
reagan's neoliberal reforms in the 80's are what set us on the path we're on today

in the 1950's, income tax was at 90% for the highest tax bracket. the 1950's were also one of the best decades the us had in history, both socially and economically. i support everything that returns us to that era

define capitalism faggot.

three words: gas the jews

Unrealized gains aren't wealth you fucking retard


How am I wrong? What does Elon actually gain until he sells his stock (at which point he is taxed)?

They're already taxed.

Exterminating the left would be better for society.

I don't think tax will solve that much, they'll just avoid paying it.

I have no problem with billionaires, but i think there should be a cap on how much of the world's wealth you can accomunilate mostly because they'll end up owning our democratic institutions, so if there's a fixed limit they would have to spend it back out into society. I'm open for ideas on how to tackle people like Bill Gates that can buy influence and power.

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To be fair, these three faggots are also the left.

None of the rich people you're whining about would pay that rate then or today because it was for the INCOME TAX you retarded fuck. Letting you creatures vote has been a disaster for the human race.

It's a win, win proposal.

>None of the rich people you're whining about would pay that rate then or today because it was for the INCOME TAX you retarded fuck. Letting you creatures vote has been a disaster for the human race.
can you explain how the share of the to 1% has tripled in the last 40 years then? the system we had back then worked. people could afford houses, women were loyal, happinses was at record highs. every policy since than has initiated the decline of the usa

>Unrealized gains aren't wealth you fucking retard
Blah blah blah, fuck off. If you can't see the inherit problem in the US of it quickly becoming the haves and have nots system than you are retarded. Please don't tell me you think Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, etc live the same life style as you or your average person? They live in entirely different worlds than us where money isn't anything to them anymore and it's all about just gaining influence and power. The quicker you realize that the better off you will be.

seems like the problem is that wages aren't increasing

Musk, Bezos and Zuck all killing it while lazy wagies seethe.

He still owns it. This is like saying money is worthless until you spend it.

the economy is about to tax them 100% on everything they have amassed for 1000 generations
so there's that

Taxation is theft.

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>sucking billionare dick
never change, right-wingers. i say we rip their fucking eyes out (in minecraft) and take it by fucking force (in minecraft) and use it to pay for your fucking healthcare, cletus, you stupid fuck

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You dysgenic monkeys elected people who printed trillions of dollars and imported tens of millions of brown people while you were going into a lifetime of debt getting useless college degrees and crying about capitalism. It's really not complicated.

Yes it is, but no gouvernment will ever do that.
Elites in every system exist to exploit the pleb, they take taxes and don't pay them.
No matter if it's communism, socialism, capitalism or fascism

turns out im OK with theft if it's from billionares who i'll never meet and don't give a shit about me. id rather that money be spent on you, despite how much i fucking hate you and every other right-wing low IQ faggot here

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We are trying to explain to you that their gains aren't categorized as income. Because that's what happens when you "tax the rich". The rich just redefine what "tax" means and what "rich" means until they are no longer paying anything.

>You dysgenic monkeys elected people who printed trillions of dollars and imported tens of millions of brown people while you were going into a lifetime of debt getting useless college degrees and crying about capitalism.
Bro i'm right wing, i just see fixing society as a two sided issue. the economical side (neoliberalism) and the social side (lgbtq, feminism etc) must both be fixed.
i'm literally suggesting a return to the 1950's BEFORE millions of immigrants were imported to suppress wages

>I have no problem with billionaires

I do, a person/a very small group of people should not have as much money as entire countries. That is way to much power in the hands of a select few especially when they are held to no standards like the what we have now. It wouldn't be so bad if these individuals/small groups were held to a lot higher standards that were enforced upon them (Looking out for their own countrymen i.e. Nationalism for example) but they aren't and they know they aren't. What's even more dangerous is once people get that much money to where it is no longer a concern then it just moves on to gaining more and more power and influence over others and I don't think I have to tell you how that's dangerous and how that's worked out for society so far.

You can't fix capitalism or communism or any other retarded Jewish scam system.

three better words: KILL THE RICH

You sure proved me wrong nigger.

keep sucking billionaire dicks, you'll SURELY be up there one day, bryce

So why don't the libshits do it?
They control the entire government. They talk about doing this ALL THE TIME.
So do it. Nobody will stop you. Go on libshit politicians tax the rich! Tax them! Hell yea get it done. No? Why not?
Is it because they fund your campaigns and you cheat at elections so you don't give a shit about voters?
But yea it's not going to happen. Do you see it happening? Why isn't it happening? Just fuck off.

Fuck yeah, tax the shit out of them so that the federal government can still be massively in debt and spend the tax revenue on shit that doesn't help anyone in the US. Pakistan needs more diversity training programs and Elons tax dollars should pay for that.

I'm not right wing.
I'd rather you keep every cent you earn and when you pay for a product I want you to pay exactly what it costs. When you sell a product I want you to get exactly what you charge. And when you acquire property I want you to actually own that property without having a threat hanging over your head that it'll be taken away if you don't pay for it forever.

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Tax the globohomo

No one who wants a 90% tax rate is right wing. It's a tale as old as time. The current left isn't catering to your worthless demographic anymore, so you and your dysgenic brethren are going to suddenly decide you're right wing and co-opt the opposition to your former, but ideologically identical, fellow travelers. It's how the right got saddled with the god squad and all the fucking trotskyites.

I'm for no one paying income tax. Zero people.

That money is gonna get spent on drones to drop missiles of peace before any citizen sees any benefit.

No one likes billionaires. We just hate you more.

capitalism can be fixed with eugenics.

it's simple. the billionaire class in the US owns 99% of the government. the uni-party is NOT GOING TO RAISE TAXES on the PEOPLE THAT PUT LOTS OF $$$$$$$$$$ INTO THEIR POCKETS!