I feel like other people who aren't white are basically using the constitution against us

I feel like other people who aren't white are basically using the constitution against us.

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It's not really the constitution that they leverage but the Declaration of Independence; damn the founding fathers for riding high on their revolutionary rhetoric.

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It should really only apply to white people honestly. I think that's what the founding fathers initially intended

Enough of them had a background in law for them to have known better. Instead they knew full well what they were doing: writing a document that they envisioned being as historically significant and as forward thinking in concept as other great historical documents like the Magna Carta. Well, they achieved that, certainly; and I'm still of the opinion that the American revolution wouldn't have succeeded without such bold rhetoric. Still, they had the prescience to realize that applying this idea of a free man in a free state to all men might just not work, as you can read in some of the Federalist and Anti-federalist Papers, they realized before the Constitution was even ratified that cultures need to be aligned for a state to work.

But as I said, they were riding high on their rhetoric and kicked the problem down the road to us.

What are the political implicationſ of the diſappearance of the long s?

So much for being forward thinking lol.

Ye printing press and its consequences have been a disaster for civilization.

>ſeparate and equal ſtation
>theſe truthſ to be ſelf-evident
>life, liberty, and the pursuit of happineſs
I feel like I've been lied to my whole life.

>why didnt colonizers just kill all the injuns?
You will never understand America faggot, go to europe or whatever

Part of me wants to say
>Ya think?
Another side to me wants to more accurately say it's other white people aiming most of this at whites, and that's what's the most baffling about all of this. It's like you're self-destructing

Pretty funny how leftists abhor religion, but the notion that all men are created equal is 100% a religious notion and not backed by anything else at all, and they make that idea the center piece of their entire ideology.

Maybe America was just a big lie all along.

>The Constitution
Well, someone had to use it. Whites sure as fuck aren't.

the constitution is not YOUR document it's the governments and they interpret it to THEIR benefit, not yours.

It doesnt matter because we replaced a monarch with a document that started an Empire by letting in immigrant slavers at first but industrialized before any monarch could

Carlos ain't wrong

i read it with a lisp. it's gay.

>Replace governments with jews

You're gay.

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It is what they intended. I don't think they regarded non-whites as human.

yes. but i will stop being gay once i have read enough shit featuring the long s for it to simply register as s in my mind instead of distracting me from whatever i'm trying to read every time i encounter it. how many people are willing to put forth that miniscule amount of slightly inconvenient effort? there's your political implications.