One rational reason

Give me one rational reason why Russia is in the wrong with Ukraine.
>Ukraine borders Russia

>In 2014 Ukrainian people vote for Pro-Russian President
>The U.S. Intelligentsia apparatus along with Soros supported activists Coup's Ukraine to install a Pro-American government

>Current Ukrainian president is a famous actor who is Pro-LGBT socialist Jew
>Now America wants Ukraine to join Nato
>Russia says there will be war if this happens
>America says "Ukraine is a democracy and has a right to its own national sovereignty"

Explain to me in any rational world how Russia is the aggressor here.

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Cute Loli. Looks like one of my cousins.

>says "Ukraine is a democracy and has a right to its own national sovereignty"
This part but America should stop sniffing around europe

demoralization thread n*581654846484

It's not. I support Russia and Ukraine both, to be free from amerikahomo

But America literally organized a coup after the Ukrainian people voted for a Pro-Russian president

>National Sovereignty

no, it was a real protest
previous president rigged the elections, this has been proven multiple times, Ianucovich unironically did what Biden did

And America and Soros were definitely not involved, right?

>Ukraine borders Russia
Is something BORDERS something else it's not apart of it then you retarded faggot
>2014 voted for Russia pres
>Soros Jews undid it bla bla
Proof faggot? I'll wait. Or you just spam a bunch of you tube videos and think that counts as evidence
>Ukrainian president is an actor
Well I guess that settles that. Ukraine doesnt exist because their president was in a movie.
Are you actually inbred? Can you try to come up with actual arguments?
>Ukraine wants to Join NATO
Gee I wonder why they've only been fighting Russian proxies for 8 years and are literally about to be invaded again
>Russia says WOR CUZ NADO
if Russia loses its own neighbors to NATO that's a only testament to how bad Russia is at diplomacy and foreign policy lmao
>Ukraine has the right to determine its own existence
>This is somehow wrong
Gee I wonder why Russia is surround be NATO lol
Enjoy the travel ban, food ban, and eventual famine.

>Proof faggot? I'll wait. Or you just spam a bunch of you tube videos and think that counts as evidence

I cited several articles from mainstream news sources, lol

>Well I guess that settles that. Ukraine doesnt exist because their president was in a movie.
Are you actually inbred? Can you try to come up with actual arguments?

You missed the part that he's a Pro-LGBT Liberal Jew who's connected to the elite via his celebrityhood

>Gee I wonder why Russia is surround be NATO lol
>Enjoy the travel ban, food ban, and eventual famine.

Enjoy having Ukrainian tranny story time

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Literally 0 evidence.
Enjoy starving to death and being from flying lol

>Give me one rational reason why Russia is in the wrong with Ukraine.

It's not your country!

Stay t.f. out.

You don't see us invading Canada and stealing their shit do you?

>russia wants to control ukraine
>america is better at subversion these days
Fuck off. Get good you poorfag, ex-commies.
And the only reason anyone in the Ukraine is pro-Russia, is because Russian communists starved Ukrainians and replaced them with Russians. Russian colonists that want to live under Russian rule can fuck off back to Russia.

trying to convince american that their government did something wrong is way harder than making a nigger astrophysicist. it's not gonna matter they'll just say it's not "real evidence".

I mean not canada but iraq, Iran, libya, syria, haiti, cuba, peru, chile, panama, ecuador, el Salvador, Guatemala and list goes on and on

>I mean not canada but iraq, Iran, libya, syria, haiti, cuba, peru, chile, panama, ecuador, el Salvador, Guatemala and list goes on and on

What land do we own from those countries?

I didn't say you owned land from these countries but your government did topple democratically elected leaders and looted their natural resources just so that s9me companies can make more money

I'm not blaming you for this, I'm blaming your government. I implore you to please read "The divide" by jason hickle and also "killing hope" and "overthrow"

also the land Gitmo prison is on is Cuba's that usa has forcefully occupied.

>Doesn't know how puppet states work

>iraq, Iran, libya, syria, haiti, cuba, peru, chile, panama, ecuador, el Salvador, Guatemala are all puppet states of the US

You disgusting nigger mutt. Your disgusting mutt empire never experienced a modern war on its soil. I sincerely hope that one day some totalitarian foreign empire lands on your shores and plows through your lands killing civillians (ah, wait you call it collateral damage), raping, plundering and installs some mutt corrupt foreign puppet as your master. Your biggest modern tragedy was where 3000 of your fleshgolems were sacrificed to expand greater israel and you were crying over it for the last 20 years, justifying the death of millions of innocent people. All while sitting on your isolated continent founded on the blood of the native people it belonged, surrounded by puppets on a tight leash. Are you truly dumb, or do you choose to ignore the same logic your mutt emipre applies to itself? When cuba made an alliance with the soviets, americans pissed and shitted their pants with the realization that nuclear weapons and war were for once close to their own borders. They tried coups, threats, planned invasions, the only reason war never broke out is because soviets saw the psychopatic mongrel empire for what it isand chose to endure the hypocrisy for the sake of the world. Answer me mutt, what would your masters do when Canada, or mexico were to ally theselves with China or Russia? If China or Russia financed a coup in their Governments, financed anti-american propaganda? We already know, we saw what you did in your south, we saw what you did in Cuba and now you think you can play righteous when you point the glock to the forehead of other nations. You desperately need to experience modern war on your soil. This is the only way you caan see what you brought into coutless parts of the world for the last 70 years and maybe understand why other empires want the same buffer zones you take as your god given right. May a chinese farmer conscript rape your family.

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Just fuck off if you're going to parrot russian stage propaganda. There was no CIA coup people were pissed off with the trashed EU deal and started protesting.

they are not. it will be good to have Ukrainian immigrants for once and not the shitskins from non-white countries

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not all of them are puppet states. Iran and chile were puppet states under Pinochet and Shah. in el Salvador usa armed and supported the rebels which led to thousands of people dead. They invaded iraq under false pretenses. They armed resistance movement in syria which fueled syrian civil war created refugees that flooded the eu and some resistance groups later became ISIS. In other countries they also interfered with their democratic process, did propaganda for certain politician, created and armed the rebel movement or did straight up coups etc.

My point is they shouldn't have gotten involved their in the first place. it's not their country so they don't have the right to do those things.

Ok. What if I just walk into your home and declare it mine. Go get me a beer.

same worked for israel and also this
I'm not saying russia has the right to Ukraine or support the war. but it's just a little hypocritical.

pretty much this. Poland and Serbia did the same, both ended up in world wars.