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Are these protests and shit causing any beneficial change whatsoever? Can anyone name one thing that this has accomplished?

is there video of the part they smash through? Just seems they drove across the median. Not being a dick, just interested if things are escalating or protests going as they have so far. How many border crossing are blocked now?

They already have "fuck Trudeau" sweaters?

Does a noose do anything until you open the hole in the floor?

I can't stop laughing at the comments

You'll know what's been accomplished when it's over. Retard.

wtf do you mean
all government are in panic mode
ottawa enacted state of emergenency
ontario enacted state of emergency
just this morning federal government said they are ACTIVELY AND SERI.
Fyi this hasnt been done even during the whole pandemic by the federal government
because this is extreme. it literally suspend the charter

Kikes never miss an opportunity to milk people of their money

pissing off you faggot trannies is good enough for me.

ear-raping tyrannical leftists and further exposing the media/gov't as lying scum. also mandates being removed

There's been plenty of reason to display your dismay for Trudeau on a sweater for a long time now.

It's showing everyone how much more important truckers (and other working class) are compared to the ruling class.
This is historic shit.

Leafs are the new australians

So, umm, where exactly was the smashing?

are these vaccines and shit causing any beneficial change whatsoever? can anyone name one thing that they protect against?

it's called the great reset because it's great. I don't see the issue.

So it seems.

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Who cares? Not everything has to have a purpose. Sometimes it's fun to know that just standing around can stop globalist faggots at minimum temporarily.