The latest retard theory going around on the left is that

the truckers are fake truckers and the protestors are the same people who were paid to do occupy wallstreet.

I heard gay as faggot jeraldo gayrivera spic extraordinaire saying the truckers are committing acts of war by blocking interstate commerce and that they're the same people who did occupy wallstreet. Because his "friend in ottawa told him"

Geraldo spic rivera should be sent to a cartel gulag.

Attached: gayraldo.jpg (1059x1500, 812.87K)

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the left is a collection of 90-110 iq whites trying to lead 90iq niggers, it's sad.

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>fake truckers

so turns out the great filter was just libtards

I know a lot of lefty canadians and all of a sudden most of them seem to think that the truckers are actually paid protestors being paid by the republicans in america. Geraldo Rivera repeated that claim on tv too.

oh i forgot jews aren't white* don't forget about the kikes at the top of the kikenarchy
that doesn't stop them from being a midwit groupthink empire

I wish I wouldn't know that name. Also how is this format still being televized. was trying to listen into but had to quit it after 2 minutes because its fucking obnoxious listening to the opinion of ill informed astro turfed "journalists" and "experts"

i watched that episode of The Five this week and he said it was an act of war. He is just as retarded as Juan Williams. My dumb liberal friend once told me it was probably the Republicans rioting in New York City during Fentanyl Floyd riots to make niggers look bad. I wanted to reach into the phone and choke him.

It causes me no end of frustration to hear the same people who claimed that "paid protestors is a right wing conspiracy theory" when antifa was burning cities down and niggers were destroying entire states, are now the same people claiming that peaceful truckers who aren't burning cities down are just paid crisis actors from the GOP in another country.

Even Trudeau is blaming elected Republicans supporting the truckers for this. What a dumb fucking faggot.

And it's somewhat true, after two threads about the jews organizing it there were no more discussions.

>the same people who were paid to do occupy wallstreet
You mean the fed faggots sent in to detail the movement with intersectional retardation? Because they were the only ones getting paid

>the same people who were paid to do occupy wallstreet.
Occupy turned into a leftist shit show and the movement got coopted. I have yet to see any of that bullshit in the trucker movement.

that's because glowies know they can just go on pol, say "the jews did this" and then most anons will pile in with "Every. Time" or something and glowies effectively kill discussion. If anyone tries to bring the thread up again later, other anons who saw the first thread just say "don't you know that jews organized this" and discussion dies again. Then board consensus becomes "jews organized trucker protests and now I'm 100% on trudeau's side"

It's pretty effective desu.


No I mean that liberals and canadians now think occupy wallstreet was actually being supported by the GOP with paid protestors for some reason. Lefties are fucking retarded and NPC's are even worse on the brainlet scale.

Yeah I saw. Trudeau can't handle his own affairs so he has to pretend like america is responsible so that he can play the "this is too big for me to deal with" card.

I know that's what happened but what I'm saying is that NPC leftists in canada now believe for whatever reason that the truckers are all paid protestors being paid to protest by the American GOP, and that they are the same people who were "paid to protest" at occupy wallstreet.

I know it makes no sense but welcome to NPC thought.

No, jew, there was a list of evidence too.

There's a list of evidence that jews are organizing the trucker protests? Are you fucking retarded? Lay off the sopa it's rotting your brain.

>the same people who were paid to do occupy wallstreet
God the left really does love eating their own
Imagine being a leftist revolutionary in occupy wallstreet
Then years later rainbow-haired men in dresses say you weren't a real leftist but they are