Uhm Ameri'broes

Uhm Ameri'broes..

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Under developed nations are cheap.

What of it?

>boomer sex tourists are retiring to third world countries


not a very safe place to retire. Vietnam is next to china.

Yeah, it's not like America fought a war to prevent the socialist society they are now fleeing to for their retirement or anything..

>the socialist country the US tried to save is so poor that even a meager retirement can let you live like a king

Viet women are horrible creatures.
Would not.

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>Cheap healthcare
Yeah right, just like when these fucks retire to Belize, they come back to the US if they need anything more than routine check-up and cold medicine.

Nope it’s ugly old boomer faggots that want to get a taste of some sweet SEA teens.

Only fucking losers live in 3rd world shitholes and sacrifice everything for access to easy Asian pussy

t. Fucking loser 30 year old who hasn’t had unpaid sex since 2018

So if Vietnam is so bad, why would American retirees rather live there? Hmmm, curious.

Money. That simple.

they're called viet kongs for a reason
because they're twisted little monkeys

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Because they made a large sum of money in a capitalist country then moved to a former commie country where it would have been unobtainable and goes a lot further, pretty simple m8

I literally just said, you can buy a lot with little usd.

>if Vietnam is so bad
I have no idea about Viet Nam, but I know a shit tonn about boat people who invaded my hometown all those years ago.
Judging by the women though Viet Nam must be a hell hole full of human garbage.

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Those are sexpats, they’re generally gross people and the white race is not going to miss them

Enjoy the boomer garbage gooks, hope you kill them before they ruin your home too.

It is kind of shitty but your money goes a lot further there and prostitution is much more accessible for an old coomer.

For the same pension you can be desperately poor in the US or you can live well in Vietnam getting sucked off by 18 year old brown women every day.

oh is this the plan?
make everything expensive as fuck here and encourage everyone to go move to the third world?

Because retirement in the US is like $8k a month

>expats expat-ing
Oh my lord

Go try to make some wealth there and the you can come tell us about it. Imagine comparing that to taking wealth you made in the first world and taking it somewhere that’s cheap as hell.

Fuck off, we're full yanks!

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