Americans expected to suck down 1.42 BILLION wings today

In one day.
Lmfao how do you Burgers think this is sustainable?

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nigga what do you think this country is do you think any of this shit was meant to be sustainable it's a fucking ecological drop off intentionally created for mass chaos you're fucking retarded if you think it's anything else you LMAO actually thought any of this was "sustainable" or you literally use that word in regular parlance? What a FUCKING PLEBEIAN

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I buy meat to just let it rot. What do you think of that, OP?

absolutely 100% unequivocally based and fuckveganspilled

>700,000,000 chickens died for wing day
how many holocausts is that? like 120 holocausts?

Tacos and puppy bowl for me tonight! Nigger ball is fake and gay now

about half a holocaust, remember 6 bazingillion

What a perfect, defeatist attitude.
Rascal-bound Burgers slurping down ranch-drenched chicken bones while everything collapses around them.

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That’s just a snack kiddo.

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I just ordered a pizza without knowing I hope it doesn't take over an hour to deliver

All fax no printer

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Yeah, bitch! ‘Murica!

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chicken wings are the most overrated peasant food of all time

Chicken farming is quite sustainable.

totally not a made up number, put out by a """""study""""" to push an obvious agenda

Fuck, I was just about to go to Publix because I knew they'd have Mardi gras wings today. I guess I'm that predictable.

It also translates to about 20 wings per Amerifat.

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Just watch the super bowl and stfu loser


you've got the incorrect angle absolutely, you think that you can still save technological society. get it behind your fucking skull that any real change takes us back 200 years and attempts to keep the level of technological knowledge, which it will flounder to do because it has become dependent on the industrial system to produce basic resources. victory isn't to be found in trying to fix globalism. victory is to be found in surviving as a man among the ruins. you're a fool if you believe otherwise and you won't be convincing anyone here of your communist drivel so why don't you just get to the point where you kill yourself to help your comrades live under sustainable development?

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Wings are expensive around by me. They want “market price” at some places instead of putting a price. They’re selling drumsticks and thighs with Buffalo sauce as an alternative. And boneless “wings” which are just cut up tendies lathered in Buffalo sauce.

Chicken wings feel like an elaborate ruse someone tricked people into caring about. It's the most garbage part of a bird.

half the country doesn't participate so it's actually an excess of 40 wings per lardbubba.

What agenda?
The one about how you're a fat fuck that sucks the meat off of deep fried bird bones slathered in Ranch dressing?

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>suck down
They've worn their teeth out getting super fuckin fat so they suck the meat from the bone?


Absolute fucking plebian.

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Our education system truly has failed us. It's about 4 wings retard.

Probably an agenda by the chicken lobby to show how well they're doing to pull in investor money?

>Lmfao how do you Burgers think this is sustainable?
Because it is, dumb-dumb.

1.42 million and 1
1.42 million and 2
1.42 million and 3
I can go on for the rest of the day eating these chicken wangs.

Indeed. And that’s supposedly how the anchor bar came up with the idea, if the story is to be believed. By re-purposing the garbage as a makeshift snack. But now there is a whole market for the fucking things but there is barely any meat. Wings are so fucking hit or miss. If they’re not crispy they’re disgusting and slimy. If they’re not small they’re those monstrosities that are full of fatty tissue. The best wings are the small ones and fried to a crisp

Its sustainable if you breed 1.42 chickens per day


I agree with user here. Chicken wings are a retarded con. They separate the legs and wings and sell them separately. Give me the whole breast dammit.

Yeah we all know the responsible wing eater who only has 4 wings when he eats wings. That's realistic.

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>for one day a year
Is the english language just a joke to you?

everyday its americans do this americans do that...niggers just say californians or jew yorker or whatever stop conflating america and americans with these eurofag wannabe cunts.

Stop saying america and american and use the United States Federal Government instead. Then we can be friends and I can support you...otherwise i have to fuck your faggot face to death for attacking like a little bitchlet.

EU ass blasted yet again

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Nice vpnflag Britbong. The truth is we don’t think because we don’t have to. You’re irrelevant. Nobody cares if you have to mold beans and toast into the shape of a bird, Nigel, love.

Wings are for America. Moist towelettes, stained with sauce, are for you also-rans. Go for the garlic-sopped waste, I bet it blends okay with the lemon scent.

>an agenda by the chicken lobby

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a moment of silence for the american chicken, the victims of the real holocaust

Not my problem.

You ever been to a Costco? They have that many in the freezer section you moran.

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Chickens absolutely BTFO

im living on beer and nicotine today kys faggot

chicken feet mayne

OP's figures were per person

Wings are healthy though.