Why are anglos such fucking faggots

They always have this low level grumpy terse attitude coupled with those repulsive dogshit accents.

The Brit’s are always subtly trying to size me up when I’m talking to them like “ohh lookie here we got a yank,” and this Irish faggot tried to make this lame joke
>can I get a cigarette
>oh nice they’re not menthol, all the Thai girls smoke those
>so you’re a Thai girl then?
>ahh just Irish humor
It wasn’t even a joke it was just another needlessly adversarial Anglo faggot jibe disguised in a joke.
Yea let’s beat a joke to death and then resurrect it and beat it do death again with increasingly less funny jibes waaaay after the expiration of the initial punchline
Fucking faggots.

What historical narrative led to a cultural where there’s this obnoxious social mandate to act like a bunch of rowdy sailors at all times? Most people try to calibrate their demeanor to the social atmosphere to find a match, but anglos just BELLOW AND JOSTLE there way through SHOUTING when they fucking talk and just acting like surly schoolchildren even when their 40 years old.

Mother fuck you faggots. I actually feel proud to be an American in your repulsive presence. I feel glad I have an easily understood crisp, cool Clint Eastwood accent and not some dogshit Manchester spittle coming out of the jowls of some red faced chav faggot

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we got another yellow boys

i dunno man i was at my uncles house and he had some contractor working and was making derogatory comments about the guy with him in the room, i couldnt believe the contractor was taking it my uncle is a little dweeb boomer very non threatening

white people are just used to taking abuse from strangers i guess

I’m a white American guy retard. The context of the post makes it obvious.

mate you're being such a pussy right now. how can I have any respect for you? how are you an adult, stop being insecure and get thicker skin.

an american would rather just punch you in the face for being a disrespectful piece of shit

then do it mate im waiting

>we got another yellow one
You assumed I was Thai and I was correcting you dumbass

it was a joke retard

Probably doesn't want to beat your uncles ass and lose his company.

>muh bantz

>white american

okay mutt

>aah just Irish humor
Irish people aren't British fuckstain. They made sure of that.

I’ll get thicker skin once you get straighter teeth

how much does your dental care cost again

Not as much as your TV loisence and knife tax


at least you're joking now! see how fun it is?

Yeah the UK is a joke all right

>Why are anglos such fucking faggots
They're the most inferior and coward among all Europeans, what can you expect?

Yes by some sooky wha? Can't take a bit of banter?

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le anglo faec

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