Man passed out in snow in Lapland

It was -15 degrees Celcius temperatures

with sound:

Attached: shitter.webm (270x480, 563.32K)

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did they halp him :O

Attached: 1611782451733(1).jpg (958x719, 258.67K)

Wow Finland nice post you fucking retard

Why is shit sticking out of his ass?

vaxx status?

what is political implication of this?

It is frozen

You don't recognize this poster yet?

Is he frozen dead?
It seems like he is moving in the end


a shitcicle

ski tourists die like this all the time, a couple a year at least

When people die they shit themself

Why is he not wearing pants tho?

thats what being drunk does?

o well
he has kind of a nice butt tho

You sure you aren't German or Japanese?

o fug

Attached: 18FC117F-2DED-4757-977C-926ADA53EE5D.png (200x216, 26.06K)

What the fuck is wrong with white people?

he's frozen solid dead dude.

yeah this is fake and gay

But this is my favorite comfy stream. are you telling me all these snow niggers die?

It happens anywhere it gets very cold
Even my town of 15k people has a death every two or three years from some dipshit passing out drunk in a snow drift

Looks like /ourprincess/ found her perfect match!