I denounce god

I officially no longer believe in god. I could not answer the logical loop hole of how did god become god and why is god god at all? It is a question that cannot be answered. Also, I say this with absolute confidence. If my life being literal hell for 15 years straight is some kind of test, then I gladly would join satan in protest of god, because god is evil. Fuck tests. What has happened to me throughout my life is fucking grotesque and sadistic. Circumcision a covenant with god? All who believe this should die. Psychotic religious filth! Fuck Jesus he's a fucking fairy tale wizard doing magic like walking on water and healing the blind. That's FANTASY. IT'S NOT REAL AND NOT POSSIBLE. HOW IRONIC AND CONVENIENT THAT HE DID THAT A LONG TIME AGO BUT DOESNT DO IT NOW. My shitty life is because of my sin? Fuck you! My belief is simple. Life is random. We are here because of a mathematical random chance. End of story. The world is ruled by human beings that have superiority complexes and want to rule it. End of story. I'm so fucking exhausted mentally. I want all the white faggots who built mega prisons and dumped billions of dollars into trying to "correct niggers" to die the worst death of all. I want the founders and rulers of America to perish slowly and painfully. May their souls be tortured with the worst karma energy possible. Pain and death to the betrayers of the INHERENTLY GOOD PEOPLE of not just america but the whole world. I will forgive and bow my head no more. Live in shame or die with honor. Wake up to inherent natural truth and conquer your reality. That is what they have been doing all along.

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im not reading that shit

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>wahh my roastie left me
Stop being a faggot.

Inb4 someone says I'm not white, I am fucking more Aryan than 90% of you American posters, you got gold in your beard? Eyes of the Atlantic ocean? I didn't think so mutant bitch

>logical loop hole
God is god faggot, he doesn't exist for you to understand.

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>I’m dumb so I stopped believing in God
Many such cases. Sad!

Based, fuck the skykikes and the skypolice.

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Also, you wonder why this land is so cursed? It's a nation built on the dead of natives. It will never be great. This place is CURSED. Wake the fuck up to reality! You're ruled by psychotic demons and destroying them is the only way out of this cursed dimension!

wow ur so smart wow amazing you did it gold science star!
now shut the fuck up

What a pussy. There is an answer to the question, but you are stuck in your own victim loop. Enjoy the wild ride, see you next time.


Braindead faggots treating religion as a comfortable cope will never raise a single point in favor of their psychotic beliefs. Christians are subhuman scum that exists only to glorify themselves through blatant deceit and grandstanding. Your "culture" is shit, and you deserve to be treated as such.

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Didn't ask. Now fuck off kike.


You are simply retarded.

Do not try to understand the meta of this world if you are not even able to manage your own life.

The sky is far greater than the earth.

What do you believe? Or are you just a kike trying to do what kikes do best?

>Who could have typed this post, I wonder.

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You all are supposed to be superior? These are white people? These are supposed to be my "kin" or my "kind"? No, you are not. You cannot be with such apathy. I will rule all of you animals. You will be kept and herded as the animals you are.


Braindead faggot, your skull is rotten and you don't even realize it. Bash yourself into a wall until that worthless grey shit fertilizes the fields, you'll be more useful then.

If you really want to know all you have to do is ask an angel
really, that's it

I'm actually surprised with how transparent they are too, but if you disregard (((canon))) and just straight up commune with them he will provide

I never said I believed in a religion. I decided on my religion when I was a kid. It doesn't matter.
What matters is your culture, your family, that sort of thing. Religion is a part of that identity, and losing that identity turns you into globohomo zoomer scum.

Nobody ever asked you to devote your entire life to the man in the sky, just like nobody ever told British people to do nothing but drink tea 24/7.

Well, if you are against christianity, there is only 2 choice for you :
1. You are a kike
2. You are a golem of kike

Either way, your opinion on the subject dosnt matter.

Instead of telling us that we are wrong, tell us what you believe in.

>Life is random
lets lets just forget about Law of Cause and Effect heh
Chance is merely a word for us idiots who can't determine the cause of something
>God is paradox and is impossible to exist
I agree with this though


Take a step back and understand how retarded you're sounding right now. Then again, knowing the state of france, you're probably a nigger, and this is no surprise.

Religion is the optiate of the masses. Since the dawn of time it has swindled billions of living and dead humans into bowing their heads, into behaving, into accepting, nay - welcoming defeat, into believing that everything stolen from them (((didn't matter))) and that they would all receive their ultimate reward in death, turning life into an insignificant hurdle that the sooner is done the better it is.

You seem smart enough to understand why such a widespread ideology will be the death of the sheeps (ironically, the exact bible term) that follow it.

god is irrelevant, he produces no effects except the ones in them minds of its believers, the definition of 'imaginary'